“YOU LIE TOO MUCH ” Ben Carson HUMILIATES Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Live on The View.nhy

In a recent interview on The View, Dr. Ben Carson faced tough questions about his endorsement of Donald Trump. As expected, the conversation got heated, but Carson remained composed as he defended his decision.

When asked why he endorsed Trump, Carson explained that he initially intended to remain neutral but felt compelled to support Trump when he saw how the political establishment was aligning to protect their turf. He emphasized that Trump’s outsider status was threatening to the ruling class, making him a target for attacks.

The conversation turned to Trump’s controversial statements and actions, including his remarks about women and minorities. Carson acknowledged that Trump had made mistakes but argued that there is no perfect person. He pointed out instances where Trump had advocated for inclusivity, such as when he insisted on admitting Jews and blacks to clubs in Palm Beach.

The hosts pressed Carson on Trump’s character, citing his past comments about women and minorities. Carson defended Trump, citing his positive interactions with Trump’s employees, including African-Americans. He also praised Trump’s children as a reflection of his character.

The interview took a tense turn when the hosts accused Trump of racism and sexism. Carson pushed back, arguing that Trump’s policies and leadership were more important than his rhetoric. He urged the hosts to focus on the issues facing the country, such as First Amendment rights, rather than personality politics.

Despite the tough questions, Carson remained steadfast in his support for Trump, citing the need for change in Washington. He emphasized the importance of looking at the bigger picture and not getting bogged down in personal attacks.

In the end, Carson’s appearance on The View showcased the deep divides in American politics. While the hosts and Carson may have disagreed on certain issues, the conversation highlighted the need for civil discourse and a focus on the issues that matter most to the American people.