UK Media Disrespects Nigeria Over Prince Harry And Meghan Markle – 4T

The UK media is using the opportunity to criticize Nigeria in the context of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s visit. The media has been derogatory towards Nigeria, mentioning issues like female genital mutilation, lack of women’s rights, and terrorism. The negative portrayal seems to stem from the media’s dislike of Harry and Meghan, who were welcomed in Nigeria.

Despite their welcome, the UK media harshly criticized Nigeria, questioning why Harry, who once deemed the UK unsafe, would visit a dangerous country like Nigeria. They also highlighted problems like internet fraud and kidnappings, painting a grim picture of Nigeria.

The commentary suggests an underlying racism and a lack of neutrality in reporting. The media should cover the story without demeaning an entire country. Nigeria, a country affected by British colonialism, deserves better treatment and reparations for past injustices. The criticism of Harry and Meghan’s visit to Nigeria, given the historical context of colonization, is unjust.

There are also mentions of other former colonial powers, like Belgium and the Netherlands, whose leaders faced protests during visits to African countries, reflecting a broader issue of former colonizers not being held accountable for their actions. Instead of welcoming them, there should be discussions on reparations and accountability. The UK media’s approach to Nigeria, while critiquing Harry and Meghan, reflects a broader disrespect and disregard for the historical and ongoing impacts of colonialism.