Meghan Markle GRILLED as Angela Levin SPOTS odd moment Sussex CONTROLS Prince Harry in Nigeria – 4t

Not only have Harry and Meghan remained silent on their anniversary, but the royal family also did not acknowledge the occasion.

Should the royal family have sent well wishes to the Sussexes?

Broadcaster noted that she didn’t even realize it was their sixth wedding anniversary until someone mentioned it. She speculated that the anniversary might not be a significant milestone for Harry and Meghan, possibly making them uncomfortable to think about it.

Broadcaster mentioned that the couple was seen dining with Brian Robbins, the global CEO of Paramount, at an expensive restaurant. This hints that they might be seeking new opportunities outside of their current associations, possibly with Paramount.

There’s speculation about Meghan’s interest in reigniting her acting career, though Angela noted that Meghan never really did movies but was known for her role in the TV series “Suits,” which Angela did not find impressive.

Broadcaster commented on Meghan’s pattern of starting projects with enthusiasm that eventually fizzle out, suggesting this might be due to the lack of sustained interest or depth in the projects. She criticized Meghan’s podcast “Archetypes” for being self-centered, often talking about herself rather than her guests.

Broadcaster also observed that Meghan seems to believe everyone is deeply interested in her, as seen during their trip to Africa, and that she often overshadows Harry, sometimes pulling him away while he’s still talking. Angela believes Meghan may not be aware of how she comes across to others.