Megachurch Uproar: TD Jakes Sparks Outrage After Appointing Family as Assistants. See what happened – VIDEO-Nyy

In a major controversy that has rocked The Potter’s House, one of the most prominent megachurches in the Evangelical world, pastor T.D. Jakes has sparked outrage by appointing his own daughter and son-in-law as his personal assistants. This move has ignited accusations of blatant nepotism, with many congregants feeling betrayed and angry.

T.D. Jakes, a well-known figure in the Evangelical community, has recently appointed his daughter Sarah and son-in-law Toure Roberts as his personal assistants. This decision has been met with intense backlash from church members who accuse Jakes of treating the church like a family business rather than a spiritual community.

The news of the appointments landed like a bombshell within the congregation. Many church members were outraged, seeing it as a clear case of favoritism and abuse of power.

“It’s bad enough that Pastor Jakes is living in the lap of luxury while so many of us struggle,” said longtime church member Lisa Martinez. “But now he has the audacity to put his own family members in positions of power and influence within the church. It’s a slap in the face to all of us who have faithfully supported this ministry.”

Harold Davis, another congregant, expressed similar sentiments. “The church isn’t supposed to be a family business. It’s meant to serve the wider community. But Jakes treats it like his own private kingdom and now he’s handing out cushy jobs to his relatives. It’s a clear abuse of his authority and power.”

The backlash from the congregation has been swift and vocal. Some members have threatened to withhold their tithes and offerings in protest, while others are calling for Jakes’ resignation. Online, Jakes has been flooded with angry comments and accusations of hypocrisy.

“How can a man who preaches about giving and generosity turn around and show such blatant favoritism to his own family?” questioned one commenter. “It reeks of the kind of corruption and self-serving behavior that evangelicals are always railing against in the secular world.”

In the face of this growing uproar, T.D. Jakes has remained largely silent. However, some in his inner circle have defended the appointments as necessary to ensure smooth operations at the megachurch. Despite these defenses, the damage to Jakes’ reputation and credibility within his own congregation appears significant.

This controversy speaks to deeper tensions and power dynamics within the modern Evangelical movement. As megachurches continue to grow in size and influence, questions around transparency, accountability, and the appropriate use of church resources have become more pronounced. In the case of T.D. Jakes, it seems he may have crossed a line that his own flock is no longer willing to tolerate.

The future remains uncertain. Will T.D. Jakes back down and remove his family members from their positions, or will he double down, exacerbating the divisions within his congregation? Only time will tell.

Do you think the congregation’s outrage is justified, or are they being too harsh on Jakes? Share your perspective in the comments below. As always, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story.