Woman Attacks School Secretary and Police (VIDEO)

In a dramatic and disturbing incident, a woman was tased and arrested after attacking a school secretary and police officers at a local elementary school. The chaotic scene unfolded as onlookers watched in shock and disbelief.

According to witnesses, the woman entered the school office in an agitated state, confronting the school secretary with aggressive behavior. Attempts to calm her down were unsuccessful, and the situation quickly escalated. When the police arrived, she turned her aggression towards the officers, leading to a tense confrontation.

As the officers tried to subdue her, the woman screamed, “On my back, get against the wall. I can’t breathe. Stop, stop, let’s go right now, all right. Before, stop you, stop.” Her erratic behavior made it difficult for the officers to restrain her safely.

The police repeatedly ordered her to put her hands behind her back, but she continued to resist. “I want you to come here, shut up. Put your hands behind your back,” one officer commanded. Despite their efforts, the woman continued to struggle, leading to the decision to use a taser.

After being tased, the woman fell to the ground, but her resistance did not cease. “Go for help if you need to. I slept, walk and I was shot. Put your hands on your back. I’m sorry, 47, count me, please start,” she muttered incoherently.

The police finally managed to handcuff her, with one officer radioing in, “Someone code got one on the ground, please.” Despite her earlier resistance, the woman appeared to become more compliant, stating, “I won’t resist the Handcuff. Me stop, thank you foreign.”

The woman was taken into custody without further incident. The school secretary and the police officers involved were unharmed but shaken by the event. The motive behind the woman’s actions remains unclear, and an investigation is ongoing.

This incident highlights the unpredictable nature of emergency situations and the challenges faced by law enforcement in ensuring the safety of everyone involved.