Raleigh Police Officer Shoots Armed Suspect in Dramatic Domestic Assault Response (VIDEO)

In a harrowing turn of events, a Raleigh police officer shot an armed suspect during a domestic assault call. The incident, captured on both bodycam and security camera footage, has sparked widespread attention and an in-depth investigation.

The confrontation began with officers responding to a domestic assault call. The footage from the responding officer’s bodycam captures the intensity and chaos of the situation. The officer commands, “Get down, get down, get down,” as they approach the scene. Shouting and confusion ensue, with someone exclaiming, “Damn who’s shooting? Who’s shooting?”

Amidst the turmoil, the officer repeatedly yells, “Drop the gun, drop the gun. Police. Drop the gun, drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it.” The suspect, refusing to comply, leads the officer to escalate their commands: “Hands on your head, hands on your head, man, hands on your head.”

Shots are fired as the officers continue to engage the suspect. “Shots fired, shots fired,” is heard, followed by urgent directions, “Rock and Ro to the right, to the right, to the right.” The officers work to secure the scene, communicating, “What’s your status? He’s in the car. He’s in the car. He’s in the red truck.”

Further commands emphasize safety and control, “Hands, hands, hands, hands, hands, hands, both hands, both hands. 423, one male hit, one female in the car. Shots fired.”

The suspect is eventually subdued. The officer orders, “Both hands out the car. Get back, get back, get back,” before realizing a mistake, “Hold on, hold up. That’s not him, that’s not him. Put your hands on the roof, on the roof, on the roof.”

A voice, presumably of the suspect’s partner, cries out, “You shot my boyfriend. I know, I’m sorry my boyfriend.” The officer reassures, “Okay, can I get him out all off?”

Security camera footage corroborates the bodycam footage, showing the suspect’s non-compliance and the officers’ attempts to de-escalate the situation. Commands to “Drop the gun” and “Hands on your head” are clearly heard amidst the chaos. The footage captures the suspect’s movements and the officers’ tactical responses.

The Raleigh Police Department has initiated a comprehensive investigation into the incident. The officers involved have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the review. The footage will be examined thoroughly to ensure a transparent and fair investigation.

Community reactions have been mixed, with some expressing concern over the use of force while others emphasize the officers’ need to protect themselves and others in a volatile situation. The department has urged the public to remain patient as the investigation unfolds.

This incident underscores the unpredictable and dangerous nature of domestic assault calls, highlighting the need for continued training and support for law enforcement officers. The Raleigh Police Department remains committed to transparency and accountability as they navigate this challenging situation.