Bishop TD Jakes Turns on Diddy BY SAYING THIS!!! – VIDEO-Nyy

In a surprising turn of events, Bishop TD Jakes has publicly distanced himself from Sean “Diddy” Combs following recent allegations and a controversial video that has surfaced. This development comes after rumors and speculations about the nature of their association.

In a heartfelt address to his congregation, Bishop TD Jakes shared a poignant request he received from a woman seeking prayers for those living in dangerous domestic situations. “There was something about the way she said it,” Jakes recounted. “As a father, husband, son, and mama’s boy, I realized how deeply this issue impacts us all.”

Reflecting on the disturbing images and news circulating about Diddy, Jakes expressed his anger and empathy. “When I saw the images that have been floating all over the news all week, it became difficult to watch. The atrocious, degrading, demeaning debauchery. I know who it was, but I saw my daughters and it made me angry.”

Bishop Jakes emphasized the importance of seeking help for those struggling with uncontrollable rage or mental health issues. “If you got a rage you can’t control, if you have an emotional problem, a mental health issue, where you’re bipolar and your kids get scared when they hear your car coming home, you got to get some help, dude.”

He stressed the universality of domestic violence, noting that it affects people of all backgrounds. “Domestic violence has no particular color, age, or face. It can be sitting beside you today, you can be churched, you can be unchurched, you can be educated, you can be rich, you can be poor.”

On the same day Jakes made his address, Diddy issued a public apology following the release of the video showing his violent behavior towards his ex-girlfriend Cassie. “My behavior on that video is inexcusable,” Diddy admitted. “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I’m disgusted now as I was then. I sought professional help, went to therapy, and asked God for his mercy and grace. I’m truly sorry.”

Bishop Jakes used the opportunity to address the backlash he received for his association with Diddy. “Here’s a great time for anybody who has an audience catered to women to really stand on behalf of women,” Jakes stated. “The black church is the home and refuge of many black women.”

He highlighted the importance of supporting victims of domestic violence and holding perpetrators accountable. “If you get caught doing anything to women, nobody wants to hear ‘she hit me first.’ If there’s evidence that you have struck a lady, no one is going to be on your side.”

Jakes’s message extends beyond Diddy, addressing men in general. “Do not give people a reason to publicly disassociate themselves from you. All it takes is 5 minutes to ruin a lifetime of hard work. It is so much better to leave and cool off.”

The Bishop’s comments reflect a broader call for accountability and change, emphasizing the critical role of the church and community in addressing and preventing domestic violence.

TD Jakes’s firm stance and powerful message resonate deeply as a call to action for both the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. His decision to distance himself from Diddy underscores the importance of integrity and accountability in leadership.

As the fallout from these revelations continues, the message from Bishop Jakes is clear: there is no place for violence, and support must be given to those in need while holding wrongdoers accountable.