Knife-Wielding Suspect Shot by LAPD Officers During Chaotic Confrontation (VIDEO)

A violent incident unfolded in broad daylight at the bustling intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue. Around 11:00 a.m., a woman walking in the area was suddenly attacked by 27-year-old Grisha Alaverdyan, who stabbed her in the stomach without warning.

The commotion caught the attention of the victim’s friends, who quickly flagged down a nearby LAPD sergeant. The sergeant immediately called for backup, and additional units swiftly arrived at the scene. Officers attempted to defuse the situation by giving Alaverdyan clear verbal commands to drop the knife and surrender. However, Alaverdyan ignored these directives and continued to act aggressively.

As Alaverdyan moved toward the officers while still armed with the knife, the situation escalated rapidly. In a desperate bid to neutralize the threat and protect themselves and bystanders, the officers resorted to the use of both lethal and non-lethal force. Alaverdyan was struck by gunfire and a beanbag round from a beanbag shotgun.

Both Alaverdyan and the injured woman were promptly transported to local hospitals for medical treatment. The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, is currently recovering from her injuries. Alaverdyan, who survived his injuries, was subsequently booked for attempted murder.

The knife used in the attack was recovered at the scene, serving as crucial evidence in the ongoing investigation. Thankfully, no officers were injured during the incident.

The LAPD has praised the swift and decisive actions of the officers involved, emphasizing their commitment to public safety in the face of unpredictable and dangerous situations.