MLB Strange Delays of the Game…(Video)

In the world of Major League Baseball (MLB), game delays are a common occurrence, but some of these interruptions are truly strange and memorable. One of the most unusual delays happened in 2017 at Miller Park when a stray dog wandered onto the field during a game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Chicago Cubs.


The dog, seemingly unfazed by the game’s intensity, roamed around the diamond and even chased after a baseball. This unexpected visitor caused a delay of several minutes as players, umpires, and stadium personnel worked together to safely escort the dog off the field. The moment was a delightful distraction for fans and a reminder of how unpredictable the game of baseball can be.



Weather-related delays are also a frequent source of interruptions, with rain being the most common culprit. For instance, in 1988, a game between the New York Mets and the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field was delayed for over three hours due to a torrential downpour. Such weather delays test the patience of players and spectators alike, as they wait for the rain to stop and the field conditions to be deemed playable again.



Sometimes, delays are caused by more bizarre phenomena. In 2003, a game between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field saw a delay due to a swarm of bees that took over the outfield. The umpires had to halt the game while a bee expert was called in to manage the situation.


These strange delays add an element of unpredictability and excitement to the sport, offering fans unique stories to tell and reminding everyone that in baseball, anything can happen. While they may disrupt the flow of the game, these moments become part of the rich tapestry of MLB’s history and are cherished by fans for their novelty and humor.