Guys, Janet Jackson’s documentary. Um, let’s get into it. I thought, you know, let’s give a bit of a cozy vibe. My friend’s apartment in Geneva has given me cozy vibes right now. The strobe lights and just the furniture, just everything. So you know what in the bookcase, I thought, let me just relax as well.

Anyways, I want to get into the documentary because it’s definitely sent shock waves over social media, over the revelations that she made, especially about her ex at the time. Hey guys, that’s one admiral. Hope you guys are doing well today. Back at it again with another video. If you have not subscribed, guys, it is daily and consistent content. And let’s get straight into this video, guys, a subscriber, click that button. Hopefully, you guys, this is, you know, hopefully this angle is given, because normally I’d have it on a tripod and ring light, and now I’m just really holding my camera like this is some kind of vlogging, like we’re just chatting and talking like I’m in a coffee shop, um, or apartment. Anyways, um, I’m in an apartment. Sorry, I’m just being dumb.

The Janet Jackson stuff was interesting because I didn’t really expect her to address what happened with Jermaine Dupri. I had no idea that he cheated on her, and that’s basically what he revealed in the documentary that, you know, it did happen, and that did lead, obviously, to their breakdown, and he basically kind of fumbled the bag. Because who really wants to cheat on Janet Jackson? Like what are you doing? You’re cheating on Janet Jackson, like I don’t understand what is going on.

Not only that, but also the Justin Timberlake stuff. Now it’s so funny because, regardless of what Miss Janet says about leaving him alone, they’re friends. Now that even at the time of the incident, she told Justin not to say anything. Keep your mouth quiet, which I think was bad advice, because him saying something would have taken up the pressure from her, and rightfully so, because the entire incident wasn’t even her fault, it was his fault, he was the one that took the thing off. It’s so funny because, regardless of what Janet says about leaving the man alone, we want to leave you alone. Justin, do you understand? I just feel like he knew better, and if you know better, and if you don’t do better, then it’s a problem, and that, I feel like, is an issue. You knew better. You knew that she didn’t deserve all of that and in your heart of hearts. You still decided to keep quiet about stuff, let alone everything, with Britney. I just feel like the man was in many positions where he could have done better because he knows better, but he chose not to, and I think that is what the frustration is with a lot of the internet. There’s a huge backlash for Justin, regardless of what Ms Janet says, because you know he should have done better, and these incidents with Britney and Janet, he’s never going to live down. They may have benefited his career initially, but now they won’t allow his career to continue. And that is what we call Karma, ladies and gentlemen, because if you do the most you know and to benefit you, it will definitely come around to find you. It most definitely will.

She spoke about Michael as well and the allegations that were against him at the time, and the fact that she lost many strong endorsements, like for Coca-Cola and whatever, because of the Michael Jackson’s association, guilt by association. And of course, I’m like, I like the documentary. I didn’t watch all of it in its entirety, maybe some of you guys did, but I thought it was interesting. I just, I just want a Mariah Carey Documentary. Now it’s made me want that because I really like Mariah Carey as well, and I just think that, you know, these documentaries are a good way to highlight your life. You know you’re speaking on it. It’s you and your terms, and it gives a different insight to stuff that we already know about. We already know what the public things are. She’s addressed to some extent, but when it’s from her own perspective, she’s speaking about it, sitting on a chair talking about it. I’m here for it. So I’m here for the Britney documentary. I’m here for the Britney interview with Oprah. That is what I need to see. I think it will bring a lot of stuff, and I’m intrigued.