NBA Breaking the Unwritten Rule

In the fast-paced world of the NBA, where competition is fierce and stakes are high, breaking the unwritten rules of basketball can spark intense debates and alter the course of a game.

One of the most memorable instances of this occurred during the 2021 NBA playoffs, when a controversial moment highlighted how breaking these unspoken norms can shift the dynamics of the game. In the opening round of the playoffs, the Phoenix Suns faced off against the Los Angeles Lakers in a high-stakes series.


With just seconds left on the clock in a tightly contested Game 3, the Suns were up by 10 points. In a move that would become the talk of the postseason, Suns’ guard Chris Paul executed a three-pointer from deep beyond the arc, a decision that seemed to defy the unspoken rule of sportsmanship: not to run up the score in the final moments of a game.


This act of defiance against the unwritten rule of “playing it safe” drew the ire of Lakers fans and players alike. The three-pointer was viewed by some as an unnecessary display of aggression, with the implication that the Suns were rubbing the Lakers’ defeat in their faces. The fallout was immediate, with Lakers forward LeBron James publicly expressing his displeasure, and the incident adding an extra layer of tension to the series. However, from a basketball perspective, Chris Paul’s shot was a strategic move aimed at solidifying the Suns’ victory and sending a message to the Lakers. It sparked a broader conversation about the nature of competitive integrity in sports and the balance between respect and rivalry.


The debate over Chris Paul’s three-pointer exemplifies how breaking the unwritten rules of basketball can be both a strategic decision and a source of controversy. It serves as a reminder that while basketball is governed by official rules, the game’s unwritten codes often play a significant role in shaping players’ behavior and fan reactions. This incident underscored the fine line between sportsmanship and competition, and how breaking these norms can have lasting implications both on and off the court.