Hailie Deegan: I can’t believe this is happening… – (video) OMG


Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day i’ve been dreaming about this day ever since i was a little kid.

One of my goals was to have my very own shop for me to do all the cool stuff that i’ve been wanting to do, and you guys have made it possible.

We have had the shop for a couple of days and we’ve done a few improvements to make it look cool, because it was completely gutted.

Empty walls looked terrible.

So we painted it, put in flooring, almost done with the floor.

We still got a little more to do.


So flash back to that.

Oh, we’re gonna be here all night.

Thank God for Kyle coming in without further Ado.

Let’s check it out.

Look how nice it is.

We got so much room for everything.

Look how nice this flooring is.

We spent days putting this in, so i hope you guys appreciate it.

Look at it, though.

It’s all cool.

Nice little rustic hardwood floor.

I know there’s an echo, but that will be gone soon.

Once we get everything in, i’ll give you guys a little tour of the layout.

So right here we plan on this being kind of like our lounge hangout area.

As in, when chase is editing, i’ll be sitting right here on my phone with the tv.

We’re gonna have a huge bean bag here, carpet, nice little coffee table back here, this whole back wall.

As you guys can tell, it’s still wood over here.

So this is gonna be the whole merch area along this wall.

So Perry can work right there.

We got these really really nice Modulin cabinets.

They hooked us up amazing way further than we thought we’re gonna have.

There’s gonna be to 35 feet of nice red cabinets, all new, all against that wall.

So it’s going to look so legit in here.

We’re going to change the lights for a little bit of lighting.

So we have a huge led Hd logo we’re going to put on the wall to make it look all like modern and techy.

And you best believe we’re gonna outline this whole place with led lights.

You guys gotta check out our couches.

Facebook marketplace.

What was that?

Hundred bucks?

Uh, 200 bucks, 200 bucks.

Facebook marketplace.

You know my new love with Facebook marketplace.

We decided to get a huge couch.


I really don’t understand how both these couches fit and stayed in here one strap.

So we got all that to put in.

There’s my project.

We got all this to build today, so let’s get it.

I don’t know where to start.

Babe, do you want to do the computer desk?

They’re really easy, and me and Perry can do this.

You and Perry do these ones.

I’ll do that one Cedita computer desk.

Well, the gopros died.

So we’re gonna go get some food.

Go around by the house, go charge them.

But i got done with my desk looks great.

It kicked my butt.

That took me like two and a half hours to build this thing.

The problem is it’s like: oh, look how simple it is.

Look, it’s not that many parts.

There’s like 50 little bolts everywhere, and so that’s what took me a while, and then everything’s unaligned.

But yeah, it’s stuck together.

So it doesn’t matter that’s unaligned or it’s missing a few bolts.

So we’re good.

You know, they’re over here talking big talk, you know.

Oh, we’re gonna beat you.

Oh, we’re gonna finish before you.

Look how slow you’re going.

Look at this masterpiece.

They have six pieces of wood attached.

That’s it in all, real, and i was the one who had to figure out the drawer.

Dinner Break

In all seriousness, this is like pretty intense here, well, we took a dinner break, actually like a two-hour dinner break.

We sat there just talking for a long time, but we ended up going back to the house to go grab some gopro chargers.

In the meantime we grabbed the ping pong table and then realized our ping-pong paddles disappear, which i don’t know how they disappear in a 1200 square foot apartment.

That’s one story, but they did so.

Now we’re at target, gonna go pick some up.

How many ping pong paddles do you need?

What are we playing doubles?

Oh, we have balls.

Oh, we’re gonna need them.

We’re gonna need them, we’re gonna lose them.

Dog’s gonna eat a ton.


What are the odds?

You get can a baby food and eat it.

Let’s do one out of time: three, two, one, seven.

What does that mean?

What do you say?

You have to get it and do it.

Apple, kale, avocado.

You’re not allowed to see the flavor.

It’s like flowers.

I have baby food in my pantry because when they’re in covid, and so i was like, if everything goes wrong, the world burns down.

At least i’ll have baby food to eat.

And then i told my sister that she was like: what about the babies that need the baby food?

And i felt like the most horrible human being.

Oh, what is that?

Just open up.

Why is it so wet?

What does it taste like?

Like asparagus in the dirt?

Game Time

It would have hit the net it, but it didn’t hit the net, but it would have, but it didn’t.

Oh, my God, you almost hit me in the feet.

You caught it between.

Oh, that was a freaking young child play dodgeball, ping-pong.

Why did this get so aggressive so fast?

You got it just one side.

I just need to get the cord through.

There we go: um um, just drop it.

Just drop it.

Go all right, just drop it, you’re right.

What’s happening?

Look how good it looks.

Don’t drop it.

Don’t drop it.

You know what’s a little interesting to me, Perry, how many things we have left over.

We’re 100 done with it.

We are 100 done, and you know what that is.

That’s because we work on race cars.

We want to keep it lightweight, lightweight, saving weight.

On Film

The next day day number two on film, five off of film.

We tried to get as much little things done as we could before, but i feel like we’re finally making progress.

Look how cute the little foam boards are.

They’re like little tilted squares.

So this is how the lounge looks.

So far we still have to get a tv, but we got the couch, the lounge chair, and put this rug down.

We got a tv to go there, the Hd Sun.

But we didn’t make a target.

Yesterday you guys saw that.

Perry, try the baby food.

Don’t, don’t try that at home.

We have to go back to target because we forgot double sided tape and i want a snack.

So let’s go.

This does not look like double side tape.

Double-sided duct tape holding mounting replayers.

Getting two, get three, three got it.

I feel like we should put a tire swing in the middle.

I feel like it would hold.

Okay, guys, tire swing, Vlog coming next Vlog.

Uh, Sunday’s vlog, ready for a tire swing.

Tire Swing

We’re gonna build a tire swing get up there.

I know all five. nine of you has jumps.

It was a compliment.

Your jumping skills that hurt the heart.

My little handyman looks pretty right to me.

Yeah, It looks really good.

I hit my.

How did you play volleyball but you can’t jump.

I’m five, four dude, it was six years ago.

You go three inches off the ground, Max.

Yeah, that is sick.

That makes the place.

I don’t know where we should put this one.

What do you think?

This one, this one’s like artsy.

It really adds some flavor to the walls.

Cabinets are ending there.

So what if we put it there?

I like the idea they’ll be in a lot of the videos and stuff.

Shop Tour

Yeah, might as well, ah, mint, oh, man, we’ve been here every night for the last week, working, trying to put this place together, because i feel like we’re both so excited,

Not because we have to by a certain date, just because we’re like we’re so motivated right now and this won’t be possible with all your guys’s support.

So thank you so much.

Just as the title says, i cannot believe this is happening.

Ever since i started racing, i’ve always wanted my own shop slash hangout area.

I wanted to have the place where everyone’s like: oh Haley Shop, yeah, let’s go there.

Let me let me show you the spiciness we have going on.

We got both paintings hung, this one right here.

I feel like this one’s just inspirational.

This one motivates me that i can do great things with Youtube, that it doesn’t even have to be racing, that we can do a lot of cool things with a camera.

And i want to touch on something real quick.

I do see all your guys comments, every single comment.

I do see some of you guys saying: hey, like you, focus on racing, racing, racing, and i am focused on racing.

My race shop is literally a half mile down the road.

Something that really hits home with me is Youtube, social media.

I absolutely love it.

That’s my second passion to racing, and so moments like these- we got this one- framed over here, canvassed out.

Moments like those are what make me happy and what are really fun to me, and so i appreciate all the support.

You guys.

I’m gonna show you guys actually what the shop looks like with the lights off, so you guys can see all the pretty lights ready.

Three, two, one.

Let’s appreciate the best lighting in here.

It’s underneath the ping pong table.

So, as promised before, as we mentioned at Walmart, we’re going to build a tire swing in here on Friday.

That Vlog will probably come out Saturday or Sunday, but Saturday we may have some things planned with braid and price.

So be sure you guys like this video subscribe, leave a comment and check out Shoppilydeegancom.
