Pastor Giпo Jeппiпgs TD Jakes & Sпoop Dog exposed | Bishop plays with weed (Video)-mc

In a fervent sermon, the speaker addresses the congregation, drawing a parallel between the biblical story of Aaron and contemporary church leaders who succumb to people-pleasing and betrayal of true faith. He recounts the story from Exodus where the Israelites, impatient and disillusioned by Moses’ absence, demanded Aaron to create gods for them. Aaron, yielding to their pressure, made a golden calf, thus leading them into idolatry.


The speaker criticizes modern preachers who, like Aaron, compromise their teachings to gain favor from their followers. He emphasizes that true ministers must be unwavering in their commitment to the truth, even in the face of opposition or temptation. The sermon warns against the dangers of false teachings and the consequences of straying from the doctrine of one God. He explains that those who once believed in one God but now preach multiple gods have been given a “strong delusion” by God as a consequence of their rejection of the truth.

This cautionary tale serves as a call to remain steadfast in faith and avoid the pitfalls of falsehood and idolatry. The speaker urges the congregation to uphold true teachings and avoid being led astray by deceit or the desire to please others, reinforcing the importance of loyalty and integrity in their spiritual journey.