Start Your Day with Joy and Laughter: Meet Sherry Sheeper.nhy

It’s a wonderful Wednesday on Sherry Shepherd’s show, and the excitement is palpable. Sherry opens the episode with her usual high-energy greeting, “Hey, hey, and hey and hey, hey, oh man, man, hey, family, oh man.” The studio lights up with applause and laughter as Sherry sets the tone for a joyful and engaging show.

John Murray, her co-host, chimes in with a cheerful “Happy hump day!” Sherry agrees, adding, “It’s a wonderful F Wednesday.” They share a laugh, and Sherry dives into her recount of a memorable interaction from earlier in the week with the Doros, a family featured on TLC’s “Doubling Down with the Doros,” a show that highlights the life of a couple raising 14 children.

Sherry reminisces about her conversation with Karen and Dion Doro, marveling at how they manage to keep track of their 14 blonde-haired children, especially in crowded places like Disneyland. Despite offering her support, Sherry humorously notes that babysitting all 14 might be a bit much, suggesting she’d need hazard pay. “I could do 14 kids, John, but you got to break it up into like, five, a group of five,” she quips, much to the audience’s amusement.

Reflecting on her own childhood, Sherry recalls how she, as the eldest sibling, was often responsible for watching her younger brothers and sisters. She draws parallels to the Doros’ strategy, noting that the eldest children often help out with the younger ones. Sharing anecdotes from her team, Sherry highlights the shared experience of many firstborns, adding a personal touch with stories of her own childhood and the mischievous antics of her siblings.

The conversation shifts to a hilarious segment where Sherry gushes over Lenny Kravitz’s workout videos. She admires his impressive fitness routine, joking about his ability to work out in leather pants and jeans. “Nike, Reebok, Adidas – somebody needs to reach out to Lenny Kravitz and give him some athletic gear. But Nike, maybe y’all should like, give him a leather workout line,” she suggests, envisioning a quirky yet appealing marketing campaign.

In a heartfelt moment, Sherry transitions to discussing the impact of celebrity kindness, using Ryan Gosling’s story of receiving his first autograph from Angela Bassett as a touching example. She emphasizes the importance of celebrities being gracious, especially towards young fans, sharing a personal story about her son Jeffrey’s disappointing encounter with a wrestler.

As the show progresses, Sherry shares exciting news about Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey, who are expecting their first child. She beams with joy for the couple, reflecting on Justin’s journey and expressing her heartfelt congratulations.

The show continues with a special segment featuring Sherry’s close friend, Whoopi Goldberg. They engage in a warm and candid conversation about Whoopi’s new memoir, “Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me,” which offers a deeper look into her personal life. Whoopi shares poignant stories about her mother and brother, revealing moments of vulnerability and strength that shaped her upbringing.

In a light-hearted exchange, Sherry teases Whoopi about her brother Clyde, who was quite the charmer. Despite Sherry’s efforts to express her interest, Clyde’s attention seemed to be widely shared among admirers, as Whoopi amusingly recounts the numerous women who claimed special connections with him.

As the show wraps up, Sherry expresses her gratitude for Whoopi’s friendship and mentorship, particularly appreciating the advice on raising her son Jeffrey. The segment ends on a high note, with Sherry playfully acknowledging her excitement and gratitude for the day’s delightful conversations and heartwarming stories.

With a promise of more fun experiments and special guests, Sherry signs off, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the next episode.