Armed Driver Shot by Bend Police Officer After Intense Crash Confrontation (VIDEO)

In a tragic and intense incident on March 20th, a Bend police officer shot an armed driver following a crash on the Bend Parkway. The Deschutes County District Attorney’s Office has released a report deeming the use of deadly force justified, revealing the complex and heartbreaking details of the event.

The confrontation occurred when officers responded to a crash near Butler Market Road after multiple 911 calls reported a red Lincoln speeding north on the Bend Parkway at 90 mph. The driver, identified as 18-year-old Gabriel Platz, was allegedly under the influence, according to a witness who spoke with him before the police arrived.

Bodycam footage obtained by Newschannel 21 shows the moments leading up to the shooting. Officers can be heard yelling, “Don’t reach for that. Let me see it,” as they approached Platz. The footage captures the officers’ tense engagement with Platz, who was seen manipulating a handgun in his vehicle.

The District Attorney’s investigation concluded that Officers Cody Lyter and Wesley Murphy acted in self-defense. The report states, “The police officer in this case has the authority, has the right to defend themselves and to defend others, and they can use deadly force in response to a deadly threat. And that’s what happened here.”

According to the investigation, officers identified a handgun on the driver’s seat floorboard and repeatedly instructed Platz not to reach for it. Despite their commands, Platz manipulated the firearm, loading a live round into the firing chamber. Both officers believed Platz intended to shoot them, leading to the fatal encounter.

The report determined that Platz’s self-inflicted gunshot wound and the shot fired by Officer Murphy were simultaneous. “If there was some, you know, microsecond between the two that that could possibly be, and it’s likely, but there’s. It’s impossible to say that there was any difference, that the two shots occurred by all measurable means at the exact same time. As far as anybody can tell,” explained DA John Hummel.

Despite life-saving efforts at the scene, Platz was pronounced dead at St. Charles Hospital. Autopsy reports confirmed that he died from the self-inflicted gunshot wound. Officer Murphy’s shots struck Platz’s right upper leg and chest.

Platz, a 2023 Summit High graduate, was remembered by friends and family who are now grappling with the devastating loss. Bend Police Chief Mike Krantz acknowledged the profound impact on Platz’s family and the officers involved, stating, “The use of deadly force is the most difficult and challenging decision a police officer will ever make.”

Both the Bend Police Department and the District Attorney’s Office have offered resources for those affected by the incident, emphasizing the need for support in times of crisis.

This tragic event highlights the unpredictable and dangerous nature of law enforcement duties, especially in situations involving armed suspects. The investigation’s findings aim to provide transparency and understanding of the officers’ actions, reinforcing the importance of protocol and safety measures in such high-stress encounters.