Baltimore Officer Shoots 17-Year-Old Suspect: Details Emerge Amidst Controversy (VIDEO)

A Baltimore police officer shot a 17-year-old suspect after he allegedly refused to drop his gun, sparking a flurry of questions and controversy surrounding the incident. The encounter unfolded amidst tense moments captured on video.

“Stop, STOP, STOP, Put THE Gun DOWN,” shouted the officer, as depicted in the footage. Despite repeated commands, the suspect reportedly failed to comply, leading to the officer firing four shots. The exact details of the shooting, including whether the teen was struck in the back, remain unclear.

“Can YOU EVEN Say THAT IT’S UNKNOWN?” questioned observers, as conflicting reports emerged regarding the nature of the suspect’s injuries. While one officer rendered aid to the victim, questions loomed over the origin of the teen’s weapon, confirmed to be stolen in 2021.

Officer L.A.B., who discharged the weapon, has not yet been interviewed as part of the ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, the suspect’s mother raised concerns about past interactions between her son and law enforcement, alleging harassment and stalking without cause.

“They SAID THAT MY Son HAD CALLED My Oldest BROTHER AND Told Him That THE Cop HAS Been Harassing Him, Stalking Him FOR NO REASON,” stated the mother, underscoring the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement practices.

Despite the incident occurring in a district with no formal complaints against the officer, questions persist about the use of force and the circumstances leading up to the encounter. While use of force incidents in Baltimore City have seen a decline in recent years, the Maryland Attorney General’s Office has declined to conduct its own investigation, leaving the matter in the hands of local authorities.

As the investigation unfolds, the community awaits answers and calls for greater oversight to ensure justice and accountability in policing practices.