Best Purchase We Have Made! (VIDEO)- OMG

Today’s a big day – we’re getting two new road course go-karts! I’ve been using the same kart since I started go-karting in 2015, so it’s definitely time for an upgrade. Plus, I convinced Chase to get one too so we can practice and drive together.

We’re heading to pick them up now, then we’ll hit the track for a test run. You can’t buy a new toy and not try it out immediately, right?

Once we got to the track, the folks gave us a rundown of all the latest updates in go-karting. These new karts are definitely more advanced than the old ones I was used to, even down to the details like the radiator size and digital dashes that sync with your phone to track lap times and performance. Super cool!

We took them for a spin and quickly noticed some differences. Chase’s kart wasn’t hitting the power band like mine, so we swapped to test it out. Sure enough, it’s likely a gearing issue. We’ll need to tweak them to make sure they’re more evenly matched, maybe adjust some weight, and we should be set for some intense battles on the track.

Next step: getting them wrapped and looking slick. Then it’s back to the track for more practice and fun