Black Army Lieutenant Pepper-Sprayed by Police Officers During Traffic Stop (VIDEO)

A trial has commenced against two police officers who pepper-sprayed and brandished guns at an army veteran during a traffic stop in Virginia back in 2020. Lieutenant Karen Nazario is pursuing legal action against Windsor police officers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker, seeking damages of up to one million dollars for alleged assault and battery, unlawful imprisonment, and illegal search.

The officers, Gutierrez and Crocker, have refuted claims of misconduct, asserting that they stopped Nazario due to a missing rear license plate and his failure to immediately pull over when signaled to do so. Nazario, however, drove to a gas station before stopping, stating he wanted to pull over in a well-lit area, expressing fear to exit his vehicle once stopped.

Despite being handcuffed and subjected to a vehicle search, Nazario was neither arrested nor faced criminal charges during the incident. However, the confrontation prompted an immediate investigation, resulting in Gutierrez’s termination from the Windsor Police Department. Crocker, on the other hand, is reportedly undergoing additional training and remains on active duty.

Despite the uproar surrounding the incident, neither officer is expected to face criminal charges in connection with the traffic stop. 

The trial, anticipated to span five days, has garnered significant attention and scrutiny, shedding light on issues of police conduct and accountability.