A DISTURBING Sermon From Sarah Jakes! – VIDEO-Nyy

In a recent sermon, Sarah Jakes, daughter of the renowned Prosperity Gospel preacher TD Jakes, has sparked controversy with her claims of receiving direct communication from God. Along with her father, Sarah is one of the main teachers at The Potter’s House Church in Dallas, Texas.

In the sermon titled “A Bold Move,” Sarah Jakes made several bold statements that have raised eyebrows. Early in the sermon, she claims to receive private messages from God, saying, “I never ever have an opportunity to speak, or I feel like I got this. Sometimes I’ll be praying like God, I just want to feel like I got this, but God told me if you ever got this, you won’t need me.” She reiterates this claim at the end of her prayer, asking God to “Open the channel that I may hear from you clearly.”

This assertion of direct divine communication is troubling for several reasons. Firstly, her role as a spiritual leader at her father’s church contradicts Biblical teachings. First Timothy 2:12 clearly states, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, for Adam was formed first, then Eve.” Despite this, Sarah continues to hold a position of authority, which raises questions about the validity of her claims of divine communication. If God were truly speaking to her, wouldn’t He address this fundamental issue?

Additionally, Sarah and her father are known for preaching the Prosperity Gospel, which many consider to be a distortion of true Biblical teachings. If God were speaking to her, why has He not corrected this significant deviation from scripture?

In her sermon, Sarah uses the passage from First Samuel 10:20-27, which describes the anointing of Saul as Israel’s first king. However, she interprets this passage to deliver vague motivational messages about personal success and wealth, which are not supported by the text. The story of Saul’s anointing is about God’s choice of a king for Israel, not a metaphor for individual financial achievement.

Her sermon is filled with motivational rhetoric, such as: “If breaking the chain means you came up a little higher, that’s all that matters to me… I’m gonna leave a rope because I’m going to be the first thousand there.” These statements do not reflect the biblical narrative of Saul but instead promote a self-centered message that distorts Scripture.

Moreover, Sarah’s practice of speaking in tongues during her sermon contradicts Biblical instructions found in First Corinthians 14:27, which states that tongues should only be spoken in church if there is an interpreter present. This practice is not followed in the sermons of Sarah or TD Jakes, further demonstrating a disregard for scriptural guidelines.

In conclusion, Sarah Jakes’ claims of receiving direct communication from God, combined with her unbiblical role in church leadership and adherence to the Prosperity Gospel, identify her as a false prophet. Her teachings should be approached with caution and discernment.

For those seeking true Biblical teaching, it is advised to be wary of the teachings of Sarah and TD Jakes. This critique aims to encourage discernment and adherence to Biblical truths. Thank you for reading, and for more in-depth analysis and Christian commentary, please visit our channel and support our mission to uphold the truth of God’s word.