Jaguar Wright EXP0SES Jay Z For Giving Rihanna H3rpes | Rihanna Cheated On Chris Brown With Jay -nr

How long are you guys going to hold on to Chris Brown and beating Rihanna?

You know what I’m saying.

I don’t understand why people keep talking about that.

It was forever ago.

They were both very young and he had just had his first herpes outbreak from her, giving him the herpes.

Oh My, My My like.

How the did you know what I mean?

Like, like people don’t understand what happened that night, and that’s because Jay-Z works so hard to change The Narrative of at night.

Y’all, Jaguar Wright is not letting go of Jay-Z’s neck anytime soon because she is determined to ruin him once and for all, and it looks like she is done talking about Jay-Z’s creepy connection with Diddy, because she is now talking about Jay-Z’s Shady connection with other people in the industry, including Rihanna.

Back in the day, the rumor mill was overrun with allegations that Jay-Z and Rihanna were a thing and that Jay-Z was cheating on Beyonce with Rihanna.

However, both Rihanna and Jay-Z denied the rumors and called them a pile of Bs.

Well, Jaguar Wright is here to expose them, and not only did she claim that they had an affair, but she also claimed that Jay-Z allegedly gave Rihanna herpes.

Chile Jaguar is being messy AF, but y’all need to get on this drama because she is spilling the tea and it is spicy.

Uh, did Chris Brown really flip out on Rihanna because she gave him herpes after allegedly getting it from Jay-Z?

Let’s break it down.

Chris Brown has had it up to here, with all the narrative swirling around him for the past 15 years.

Finally, he’s stepping forward to clear the air about what really went down between him and Rihanna back in 2009 and how Jay-Z allegedly played a role in sabotaging him and his career.

You’ve probably heard about the infamous 2009 incident involving Chris and Rihanna.

It all went down the night before the Grammys.

When they got into a heated altercation in a car, Chris ended up laying hands on Rihanna, leaving her with serious bruises on her face and body.

He was arrested and later sentenced to 5 years of probation, along with a year of Dv Counseling.

In the aftermath, Chris seemed to accept responsibility for his actions, sticking to the Nar narrative pushed by Rihanna and her team.

According to that story, the argument started when Rihanna discovered Chris had been unfaithful, leading to a physical confrontation where she allegedly started hitting him and he responded with repeated punches.

But now Chris is ready to challenge that narrative.

He’s speaking out, claiming there’s more to the story.

According to him, Jay-Z played a Sinister role in the events, setting him up and then profiting off his downfall.

It’s a bold accusation that’s sure to shake things up in the ongoing saga of Chris Brown’s career.

With this new perspective, the old story story takes on a different light.

It’s no longer just about a troubled relationship boiling over into violence.

It’s about power dynamics, betrayal and the ruthless entertainment industry.

Chris is finally taking control of his own narrative, determined to set the record straight once and for all.

In an interview, Rihanna said I caught him in a lie and he wouldn’t tell the truth and I wouldn’t drop it.

I couldn’t take that.

He kept lying to me and he couldn’t take that.

I wouldn’t drop it.

It escalated into him being violent towards me and it was ugly.

I was battered, I was bleeding, I was swollen in my my face.

She also admitted that the relationship was super toxic, saying: the more in love we became, the more dangerous we became for each other- equally dangerous because it was a bit of an obsession for the longest time.

Chris also went along with this version of events, claiming that he had lost his mind when Rihanna caught him cheating.

But as time went on, Chris began pushing back, trying to reshape The Narrative surrounding him, dropping hints that there was more to his story than the public knew.

Take, for instance, his collaboration with Khloe Bailey on the track.

How does it feel?

When news broke of their elaboration, Chloe faced a lot of criticism and hate from fans who called her out for working with Chris, given his past.

This made Chris so upset that he went on a rant saying: if y’all still hate me for a mistake I made as a 17-year-old old, please kiss my whole entire ass.

I’m effing 33.

I’m so tired of y’all running with this narrative.

You weird people are the same ones that tune in every week to see Blueface and Chrisan beat the F out of each other in front of the world.

But that’s okay, it’s entertainment.

All y’all can suck my D disrespectfully.

He continued.

Where are the cancel culture with these white artists that dates?

Young women beat the F out their wives, giving women Aids.

Oh, that’s right.

They are your buddies.

No more fake love from me.

Stay out my way or get ran over.

Simple as that, none of you-

And I mean none of you guys- can f with me.

Well, buckle up, because this part gets juicy turns out.

Chris was throwing some serious shade at a certain someone who’s been rumored to have quite the track record with younger women in the industry and happens to be married to a woman significantly younger than him.

Yep, you guessed it.

He was pointing fingers at none other than Jay’s Z. let’s break it down.

Jay-Z is a solid 12 years older than Beyonce, while he claims they started dating when she was 18 or 19.

The timelines just don’t quite add up.

In a 2007 chat with Charlie Rose, Jay-Z mentioned meeting Beyonce 10 years ago, placing their first encounter in 1997.

Crunch the numbers, and Beyonce would have been only 16 at the time.

Heck, depending on the specifics, she might have even been 15 while he was in his late 20s.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Rumors have swirled for years about Jay-Z’s involvement with Foxy Brown when she was just 15 again, while he was in his 20s.

So when Chris decided to call out men who have a thing for younger woman, all signs pointed to Jay-Z. now here’s where it gets even more scandalous.

Chris hinted at these guys spreading STDs like confetti at a party.

According to Chris’s version of events, Jay-Z supposedly had a fling with Rihanna while she was dating.

Chris, embrace yourself, because it’s claimed that he passed herpes to Rihanna, who then passed it along to Chris.

Yep, you heard that right.

Allegedly Chris found out about this whole mess on the night of their Infamous fight- the cheating, the herpes, the whole shebang- and well, let’s just say it might have been the straw that broke the camels back, and that’s why he flipped out.

This development adds a whole new layer, especially considering the long-standing rumors swirling around Jay-Z and Rihanna’s relationship back in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

Those rumors were practically everywhere about how there was a little something, something going on between Rihanna and Jay-Z, but Rihanna consistently shut them down, insisting that their connection was strictly musical, nothing more.

Her publicist at the time even took responsibility for spreading the fake news, claiming that he did it as a way to push Reena’s career.

He said the PR stunt that I did was out of desperation to help break Ponda replay.

He wrote it was Reckless and I didn’t think it was going to work.

I was just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick.

I didn’t think it would be this big story, but now knowing that people are profiting from speculations and opinions about her really turns my stomach.

I’m ashamed that I’m even talking about this.

I just want to put this rumor to rest once and for all.

Well, Chris is now dropping some serious truth bombs.

According to him, the whole just music story between Jay-Z and Rihanna is a smoke screen.

He’s claiming that both of them went to extreme lengths to squash any rumors of a fling, because, let’s face it, it would have been disastrous for their images.

And it gets even Messier.

Chris alleges that Jay-Z actually pressured him into going along with the narrative they cooked up, the one where Chris was painted as the cheater, even though, according to him, it was Rihanna who strayed.

Supposedly, Jay-Z was desperate to keep his own involvement Under Wraps.

After all, if the public caught wind that Rihanna was stepping out on Chris, they’d start asking questions, and those questions would lead right back to Jz’s doorstep, and that’s a can of worms he definitely didn’t want to open.

I know it sounds like a wild ride and you might be thinking Chris is just trying to do some damage control.

But here’s where it gets interesting.

Jaguar Wright, who’s known for keeping it real, is backing him up on this, and hey, she hasn’t been sued or caught lying yet, so her word holds some weight.

I don’t understand why people keep talking about that.

It was for forever ago.

They were both very young and he had just had his first herpes outbreak from her, giving him the herpes.

Oo, my, my, my, like.

How you know what I mean like, like.

People don’t understand what happened that night, and that’s because Jay-Z worked so hard to change The Narrative of that night.

Jaguar added fuel to the fire by confirming rumors that Jay-Z had allegedly been involved with Rihanna when she was younger, but she didn’t stop there.

According to her, Rihanna’s team orchestrated her connection with Chris Brown as a diversion from her rumored affair with Jay-Z, as a strategic move to shift the spotlight away from the Scandal brewing in the shadows.

Now Rihanna was only 14- 15 when he started her in signed of the death jail.

It’s clear to say that the herpes that she had came from the person she had been most involved with, and that was Sean Carter.

So here it is is: Chris Brown has his first Herpeses outbreak from his celebrity girlfriend who he was set up with, and it was supposed to be this, and it was supposed to be that, and he was there, so people wouldn’t pay attention to the fact that she Wasing Jay-Z underage.

And then there’s the bombshell about Chris catching Rihanna in some seriously compromising situations at Clive Davis’s party, Jay-Z gave her the her bees that she gave to Chris Brown and that first night when he had that outbreak, and he bust in the Clyve Davis’s house and said: where the is this dirty?

I can’t, I can’t fought him for that he had.

This is beautiful Pa, wonderful Chris Brout.

She didn’t ruined him.

She ruined him at 19 years old.

He’s got the Jay-Z herpes.

Oh, and it’s unfair, cuz, now that’s a part of his story and Rihanna ain’t innocent, cuz.

She was in there giving that in the Coke closet when, when Chris Brown came in, she always sucking something, but Jaguar wasn’t done.

Yet she went on to accuse Jay-Z and his crew of setting Chris up as the Fall Guy, spreading fabricated stories in the media to deflect attention from their own involvement.

And then they sat there and Jay-Z

And them get on the radio

And they talk about that little boy and then they put together that whole shame and then have him arrested on the R Carpet just to make sure America hated him and defending himself against that crazy.

I mean she’s sexy as

And she’s pure, pure, and she has all of my respect when it comes to the game, but you ruin Chris Brown ‘s life and you knew you ruined his life, and the only reason you did it was because your Jay-Z told you to, so that he could cover up the fact that he started you at 14, when he was damn near 30 years old.

The thought of Jay-Z allegedly being involved with Rihanna might seem wild, but when you take into consideration that Rihanna isn’t the only woman that he has been rumored to have been messing with at a young age, the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place and get this.

Some of the women are some popular faces, like Foxy Brown.

Interestingly, there are also some allegations of how Jay-Z allegedly blackballed Foxy’s career when he was done with her.

This is just another drop in the bucket when it comes to allegations against Jay-Z, isn’t it?

But what sets Foxy’s case apart is that she’s not just throwing accusations out into the ether.

She’s got some receipts to back up her claims, which adds a whole new layer of credibility to her.

Revelations plus word on the street is that plenty of folks in the industry are aware of what Foxy’s bringing to light, so she’s not exactly shouting into the void here.

Now let’s talk about Foxy’s career trajectory for a Sec.

For years, it’s been widely assumed that her beef with Lil Kim was the main reason.

Her career took a nose dive, and let me tell you that beef was nasty.

We’re talking shots fired, both literally and figuratively.

Foxy even tried to extend an olive branch to Kim, but it seemed like Kim wasn’t interested in burying the hatchet.

Actually is Russell and I- um, you know, the president of my record company.

We we got together and I said: Russell, I want to call a truce.

I said I want to have a sit down with Kim and I want actually, you know, I don’t care what it is, I don’t care what it, just end it.

Let’s end it.

You know we can even.

Well, it looks like we had it all wrong about the beef between foxy and Lil Kim.

Turns out it wasn’t Kim Throwing Shade, but rather Jay-Z pulling some shady moves behind the scenes.

And let me tell you it’s a shocker, considering how far back foxy and Jay-Z go.

Back in the day, Foxy crossed paths with Jay-Z when she was just starting out in Hollywood.

They even teamed up on a few tracks that made waves and by all accounts they seemed like tight Pals, or so everyone thought.

But looking back, there were definitely some warning signs about their friendship, even back in the 9s.

Now let’s keep in mind that discussions about grooming and inappropriate behavior weren’t as common then as they are now.

Jay-Z was in his mid-20s when they first linked up, while Foxy was barely 14 or 15, and here’s where it gets uncomfortable.

The songs they collaborated on, let’s just say the lyrics, were way too mature for Foxy’s age.

Jay-Z was Penning verses for her that were downright inappropriate for a teenager and looking back, it’s clear as day that something wasn’t right.

For example, in the song ain’t no man?

He gave her the lines, ain’t no man like the one I got?

No one can f you better, sleeps around, but he gives me a lot, keeps you in diamonds and Leathers.

Friends, tell me I should leave you alone.

Tell the freaks to find a man of their own.

Now, Jay-Z was wrong to have a 15-year-old singing those lines like what on Earth was he thinking?

But if you think that’s bad, well it gets even worse.

Jay-Z and Foxy continued their professional relationship and he co-wrote her song Il na Na, and the lyrics are much more vulgar in the song.

Foxy wrapped Yona so ill first week out shipped a half a mill.

Men freaked out.

She’s all about paron.

Check your facts and the track record.

I’m all about plaques shaking my half naked, loving this life.

Who got the illest pee on the planet, Sugar Walls coming down.

Men can’t stand it.

The ill Na.

And if you’re wondering what on Earth she meant by N, she’s talking about her hoo-ha.

A grown man writing a song for a 15-year-old where she was talking about her hoo-ha has to be the craziest thing that we have heard in Hollywood, and y’all know that we’ve heard some pretty wild things in Hollywood.

He continued to write some pretty vulgar and inappropriate songs from her, and many of the super vulgar Foxy Brown songs from the 9s had Jay-Z’s input.

Back then, she was known for her raw lyrics, and while I’m not saying that Jay-Z was completely responsible for writing all her songs, he did co-write a number of them and his influence was undeniable.

So how on Earth did they go from working so closely together and hitting the studios to Jay-Z, blackballing her and ruining her career in the industry?

Well, it turns out that things between Foxy and Jay had gone beyond what people knew.

They had taken things from the studios into the bedroom, and word on the streets at the time is that they were romantically involved.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it romantic, because there was no romance involved, just a good old role in the hay, if you know what I mean.

In fact, there were rumors that Jay-Z was the first man that Foxy had been with.

It was something of an Open Secret in the industry.

He was something of a sugar daddy for her, which was weird because, again, she was 15 and he was in his mid to late 20s.

Rumor has it that he funded some pretty lavish shopping spree for her and he paid for her nails, hair and that sort of thing.

But y’all want to know something.

Interesting sources in the industry revealed that Jay-Z allegedly gave foxy an STD while they were messing around together.

Jz gave her an STD.

Y’all should go back and talk to all of the that she slept with in Philly.

When she was in Philly, she burned every last one of them.

She sent more to the clinic than Co. well, it’s pretty clear.

Foxy wasn’t the only woman in Jay-Z’s life, but she was definitely the best kept secret.

Jay-Z wasn’t exactly shouting their Affair from the rooftops, and for good reason.

If word got out about their relationship, he could have ended up behind bars due to her age.

Talk about a major legal headache.

But here’s where it gets even more scandalous rumor has it

That foxy let the cat out of the bag at a party spilling all the juicy details about her fling with Jay-Z. and if that wasn’t enough, there were Whispers circulating that they even made an adult tape together

And Foxy allegedly had it stashed away somewhere safe.

Now that’s the kind of Scandal that could send shock waves through Hollywood.

Not long after she made these alleged Revelations, her home got robbed and the tape got stolen, which is just Sus.

But Foxy later spoke to Tmz to deny ever making the allegations and she said the atrociousness of this story sickened me to my stomach in all my years in the music industry.

These are the most disgusting and disrespectful allegations I’ve ever experienced.

This fictitious story with no audio visual or written interview clearly was concocted with malicious intent.

Jay has only been wonderful to me and my family- a great friend.

Throughout all the years I’ve known him and we had nothing but great success as a team.

Yeah, talk about a mess.

Like I said, people in the industry knew what was going on, but they kept their mouths shut when Nick Cannon tried to ask Jay-Z’s former friend about it.

Damon evaded the question to Jay-Z and dash quickly fired back telling him to say what’s on his mind.

It seems like you got a question for Jay.

Ask him, don’t ask me his questions, bro.

I’m not taking, I’m not.

Y’all could keep asking me question.

Y’all keep asking me questions.

Y’all want to ask him, cuz he ain’t here.

Ask him I to do with that, and I don’t even know nothing about that.

Nas even alluded to the affair in his song ether, where he said:

Foxy got you hot, cuz you kept your face in her.

Pee what you think you getting girls now, cuz of your looks.

So again, it was an Open Secret in the industry and everyone knew.

But as long as she was with Jay-Z, there was nothing anyone could do or say to her, because she was under his protection.

But according to Jaguar, it wasn’t all sunshine and Roses, because Foxy was allegedly mistreated by Jay-Z as well and he allegedly exposed her to Sti, just like he did with Rihanna.

But in Foxy’s case she didn’t have a boyriend to pass it on to.

These new Revelations.

Have people on Chris Brown’s side and they left comments like: remember, as part of of Chris Bron’s sentencing, he was forbidden to talk about what happened, and the only reason for that was to protect Rihanna.

If he’s the only one guilty.

Why couldn’t he talk about it?

It was a dead giveaway.

She wasn’t innocent.

Remember how Wendy said: if you sleep with Rihanna, you got to take penicillin.

After that, y’all were mad and poor Chris Brown.

I knew there was more to the story.

Chris is talented and I hope he stays away from these evil people
