Mexican UFO expert conducts x-rays on ‘non-human’ beings presented at Congress… (Video)

In a riveting session at the annual Congress on Extraterrestrial Studies in Mexico City, renowned UFO expert Dr. Alejandro Hernandez stunned attendees with his groundbreaking research. Dr. Hernandez, a leading figure in the field of ufology, unveiled the results of his recent x-ray examinations on purported “non-human” beings, sparking both intrigue and controversy among the audience.

The presentation commenced with Dr. Hernandez providing a comprehensive overview of his extensive experience in investigating unidentified flying objects and alleged extraterrestrial encounters. Drawing upon years of meticulous research and fieldwork, he delved into the complexities of the phenomenon, emphasizing the need for rigorous scientific inquiry and an open-minded approach to unconventional hypotheses.

Central to Dr. Hernandez’s presentation were the findings from his latest study, which involved the examination of purported extraterrestrial remains using advanced x-ray technology. With meticulous attention to detail, he showcased radiographic images depicting anomalous skeletal structures and physiological features that defied conventional explanations.

One of the most striking revelations came from the analysis of the skeletal composition, which exhibited distinct differences from known terrestrial species. Dr. Hernandez highlighted peculiarities such as elongated skulls, unusual bone density patterns, and skeletal articulations inconsistent with any known biological taxonomy. These findings, he argued, provided compelling evidence for the existence of beings with origins beyond Earth.

However, the presentation was not without its skeptics. Some members of the audience raised questions about the methodology and potential biases in Dr. Hernandez’s research. Critics called for additional scrutiny and independent verification of the x-ray data to rule out any alternative explanations or artifacts.


Undeterred, Dr. Hernandez welcomed constructive criticism and reiterated his commitment to transparency and scientific rigor. He emphasized the importance of peer review and collaboration in advancing our understanding of the enigmatic phenomena surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters.

As the session drew to a close, attendees were left pondering the implications of Dr. Hernandez’s research. While skeptics remained cautious, many were intrigued by the tantalizing possibility of uncovering evidence for extraterrestrial life. For Dr. Hernandez, the journey was far from over, as he vowed to continue pushing the boundaries of exploration and discovery in the quest for answers beyond our world.