MLB Walkoff On Errors…(Video)

In Major League Baseball (MLB), walk-offs are the pinnacle of dramatic endings, but when they occur on errors, they add an extra layer of chaos and heartbreak. Walk-offs on errors are rare and unexpected, leaving players and fans in disbelief while underscoring the unpredictable nature of the game.

One of the most memorable walk-off errors occurred on July 26, 2013, in a game between the Baltimore Orioles and the Boston Red Sox. With the score tied in the bottom of the ninth inning, the Orioles had runners on first and second base. Manny Machado hit a routine ground ball to Red Sox third baseman Brandon Snyder, who fielded it cleanly but then overthrew the second baseman trying to start a double play. The ball sailed into right field, allowing the winning run to score and giving the Orioles a stunning victory. The Red Sox were left to rue a fundamental mistake in an otherwise tightly contested game.


Another dramatic walk-off error happened during a game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Colorado Rockies on June 27, 2017. In the bottom of the ninth inning, with the Dodgers down by one run and runners on first and second, a routine ground ball was hit to Rockies’ shortstop Trevor Story. Story’s throw to first base was wild, pulling the first baseman off the bag. The error allowed both the tying and winning runs to score, resulting in a thrilling, albeit heartbreaking, victory for the Dodgers. This incident highlighted how even routine plays can turn into game-changers under the pressure of the moment.

Walk-offs on errors are particularly agonizing for the defensive team, as they highlight the thin line between victory and defeat. These moments often involve miscommunication, rushed throws, or mental lapses, showing that even at the highest level of baseball, mistakes can and do happen. The psychological impact on the player who commits the error can be significant, often lingering longer than other types of mistakes due to the immediate and high-stakes consequences.



For fans, walk-offs on errors are a rollercoaster of emotions. The abrupt shift from the anticipation of extra innings or a potential win to the shock of an unexpected loss creates unforgettable memories, both joyous and painful. These plays remind everyone involved that in baseball, the game isn’t over until the final out is made, and anything can happen until then.


In conclusion, walk-offs on errors in MLB encapsulate the unpredictability and excitement of baseball. They turn routine plays into pivotal moments, causing swings of fortune that leave lasting impressions. While they can be devastating for the team that commits the error, they add to the rich tapestry of baseball lore, demonstrating the human element that makes the sport so compelling.