NEWS: The Complex Relationship Between Mo’Nique and Whoopi Goldberg: A Battle for Fair Treatment in Hollywood.nhy

Mo’Nique, a well-known actress and comedian, has had her fair share of public feuds with industry giants like Oprah Winfrey, Lee Daniels, and Tyler Perry, whom she accused of blackballing her in Hollywood. However, another equally tense relationship is with Whoopi Goldberg, which has garnered significant attention. According to Mo’Nique, Whoopi’s advice and actions reveal a side of the celebrated actress and host that doesn’t quite align with her public persona.

The Heated Exchange on “The View”

The tension between Mo’Nique and Whoopi Goldberg became particularly evident during a notable appearance on “The View.” Mo’Nique was discussing her grievances, including her boycott of Netflix for offering her a significantly lower pay compared to her contemporaries. Amy Schumer was offered $13 million, while Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock each received $20 million, whereas Mo’Nique was offered only $500,000.

During the discussion, Mo’Nique also touched upon her past disputes with Daniels, Winfrey, and Perry, particularly regarding her decision not to promote the 2009 drama “Precious” internationally without additional compensation. Whoopi, however, cut her off, asserting that contractually, promoting the movie was part of the deal. She expressed frustration, saying, “If you had called me, I could have schooled you on what was expected.

A Disheartening Conversation

The conflict reached a personal level backstage. Whoopi revealed her own salary from “The View,” which Mo’Nique found disappointingly low for someone with Whoopi’s tenure. Whoopi’s advice to Mo’Nique to “not worry about the little ones coming behind you” and to “give a damn about you” deeply upset Mo’Nique. She saw this as a betrayal of the principle of fighting for future generations, a cause she has always championed. Mo’Nique’s hurt stemmed from Whoopi’s acceptance of a low salary after ten years on the show, which she felt made it harder for others to demand fair pay.

Mo’Nique’s Ongoing Battle

Mo’Nique’s career has been significantly affected by her refusal to be bullied by powerful entities in Hollywood. Her family and professional life have suffered because of her stance against unfair treatment. This conflict with Whoopi adds another layer to her long-standing issues with other prominent figures like Oprah Winfrey, Lee Daniels, and Tyler Perry.

Mo’Nique has accused these figures of sabotaging her career. For instance, she claimed that roles in movies like “The Butler” and a Richard Pryor biopic, initially offered to her, were taken by Oprah after she expressed interest. Mo’Nique has consistently called for an apology from Winfrey and Perry for their alleged actions, which she believes contributed to her being blackballed in the industry.

Broader Issues of Fair Pay

Mo’Nique’s fight isn’t isolated. Other actresses, like Taraji P. Henson, have also spoken out about unfair pay in Hollywood. Henson revealed that she had to fight for $500,000 for her role in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” despite being nominated for an Oscar. This echoes Mo’Nique’s experiences and highlights a systemic issue within the industry.

Whoopi Goldberg’s Controversial Moments

Whoopi Goldberg’s career has not been without its controversies. From her comments on the Holocaust, which led to a suspension from “The View,” to her defense of Bill Cosby and insensitive remarks about domestic violence, Whoopi has faced significant backlash over the years. These incidents, combined with her backstage conversation with Mo’Nique, paint a complex picture of a celebrated figure who has at times shown a less flattering side.


The feud between Mo’Nique and Whoopi Goldberg is a microcosm of broader issues in Hollywood, including fair pay, power dynamics, and the treatment of women of color. Mo’Nique’s vocal stance against these injustices, even at the cost of her career, highlights the ongoing struggle for equality in the entertainment industry. As the conversation around these issues continues, it’s crucial to listen to voices like Mo’Nique’s, who fight not just for themselves but for future generations.