NEWS: Pastor Gino Jennings – God sent Moses to bring the people of Israel out of war .nhy

In today’s world, many followers of Christ are hesitant to stand out and be different. This reluctance contrasts sharply with the clear teachings of scripture that call for a distinct separation between the holy and the unholy, the clean and the unclean. This message resonates profoundly in the book of Leviticus, chapter 10, verse 10: “That ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean.” It is a call to recognize and uphold the divine distinction in all aspects of life.

Modern churchgoers often fear being labeled as primitive or outdated when they adhere strictly to biblical teachings. This fear can stem from criticisms suggesting that the word of God is antiquated. However, the core principles of good and evil remain unchanged, and thus, the scripture’s relevance persists. This idea is reinforced in Ezekiel 22:26, which laments, “They have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean.”

The scripture is intended to make believers different, to transform them into new creations in Christ, as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” Embracing this transformation means standing firm in faith, regardless of societal pressures or ridicule. The apostles themselves faced severe consequences, including imprisonment and martyrdom, for maintaining their distinct faith.

This principle extends to all aspects of Christian living, including the practice of baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost. In Acts 8, the story of Simon the sorcerer illustrates the profound difference between true believers and those who misunderstand or misuse the gifts of the Spirit. When Simon tried to buy the Holy Ghost with money, Peter rebuked him sharply, emphasizing that the gifts of God cannot be purchased but are freely given.

True followers of Christ must not conform to worldly practices but instead offer their lives to God, which is the greatest offering one can give. This stands in stark contrast to the false teachings of prosperity preachers who promise material blessings in exchange for money. Salvation and a righteous life cannot be bought; they are gifts from God, requiring repentance and a heart aligned with His will.

The teachings in Leviticus 19:28-29 against tattoos and prostitution reflect a broader call to holiness in appearance and behavior. The command to avoid marking the body and not to prostitute one’s daughter underscores the importance of upholding godly standards in every aspect of life. These principles challenge believers to reflect on their actions and ensure they align with God’s commands.

The message of holiness is not just about outward appearance but also about the heart. Psalm 51:17 states, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” A truly repentant heart is necessary for a close relationship with God, as the heart is naturally deceitful and wicked. Therefore, believers must continually seek God’s help to maintain a pure heart and spirit.

The history of humanity, as depicted in the Bible, shows a recurring pattern of rebellion against God’s laws. From the days of Noah to the exodus from Egypt, people have often resisted divine instruction. Yet, God’s message remains consistent: to lead His people back to His original intent and thoughts.

In conclusion, the call to be different as followers of Christ is both a challenge and a privilege. It requires a steadfast commitment to biblical truths, despite societal pressures. The distinctiveness of God’s people is a testament to His transformative power and a beacon of hope in a world often lost in moral ambiguity. By adhering to the principles laid out in scripture, believers not only honor God but also set an example for others, demonstrating the profound impact of living a holy and righteous life.