NEWS: The View’ host Whoopi Goldberg reveals who she wants to inherit her $60 million fortune.nhy

Whoopi Goldberg, the iconic actress and co-host of “The View,” recently made headlines by revealing her plans for her estimated $60 million fortune. In a candid discussion on the show, Goldberg addressed the topic of inheritance, contrasting her approach with that of other celebrities who have expressed reluctance to pass on their wealth to their children.

Goldberg’s decision to leave everything to her daughter, Alexandria Martin, stemmed from her own upbringing and her belief in providing her child with opportunities she didn’t have. Reflecting on her mother’s hard work and determination, Goldberg emphasized the importance of instilling a strong work ethic in the next generation.

The discussion on “The View” also touched on the broader issue of generational wealth and the disparities between white and black families in America. Co-host Joy Behar highlighted the significance of not only leaving money to children but also ensuring access to education and property ownership.

Goldberg’s stance on inheritance reflects her commitment to empowering her daughter and bridging the gap between different socioeconomic backgrounds. As the debate continues, Goldberg’s decision serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in passing on wealth and the importance of addressing systemic inequalities in society.

Ultimately, Goldberg’s decision to leave her fortune to her daughter reflects her belief in the power of education, hard work, and opportunity to create a brighter future for the next generation.