NEWS: ‘The View’s’ Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar On Will Smith Slap.nhy

The co-hosts of “The View” had strong reactions to the shocking moment at the 2022 Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on live television. The incident occurred after Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hairstyle, referencing her alopecia condition, which prompted a heated debate among Whoopi Goldberg, Sonny Hostin, Joy Behar, and Ana Navarro.

Will Smith, known for his role in King Richard, stunned the audience when he left his seat to strike Chris Rock. This unexpected altercation led to immediate and diverse responses from the hosts of “The View.”

Joy Behar expressed concern for comedians, stating, “Comedians are in danger everywhere. They want us to be edgy. They want us to go out there and say things that other people are just thinking. They want us to take a risk and then they get mad.” Joy’s comments highlight the precarious position of comedians who often walk a fine line between humor and offense.

Ana Navarro described the incident as a “crime of assault on national TV.” While acknowledging that Chris Rock’s joke was “in poor taste” and noting that this was not the first time Chris had taken shots at Jada, she firmly condemned Will Smith’s reaction. “Nothing, nothing, nada, zero condones violence in this form,” she stated emphatically.

Sonny Hostin called for an apology from Will Smith, labeling his actions as immature, childish, and violent. She pointed out that living in the public eye subjects celebrities to jokes and comments, and resorting to violence is unacceptable. “When you live publicly, you don’t have the right to all of a sudden decide to execute violence,” Sonny argued. She also criticized the incident as an example of toxic masculinity.

Whoopi Goldberg praised Chris Rock for his composed response and suggested that Will Smith had reached a breaking point after years of being the subject of jokes. “I think he had one of those moments where it’s just like ‘GD it. You know, just stop.’ I get it. Not everybody acts the way we would like them to. Under pressure, some people just snap. He snapped.” Whoopi also mentioned that while there would be consequences for Will’s actions, she believed he should be allowed to keep his Oscar.

The discussion touched on whether the Academy would let Will Smith keep his Oscar, with Whoopi asserting, “We’re not going to take that Oscar from him. There will be consequences, I’m sure, but I don’t think that’s what they’ll do, particularly because Chris said: listen, I’m not…”

The hosts also addressed the ongoing criticism Will Smith was facing, with Whoopi adding, “People will beat you for weeks when we make a mistake. We know as hard as we’re beating folks, they’re beating themselves.”

In summary, “The View” co-hosts presented a range of perspectives on the incident, from condemning the violence to understanding the pressures that may have led to Will Smith’s outburst. While the debate continues, it is clear that the incident has sparked a significant conversation about the boundaries of humor, the responsibilities of public figures, and the appropriate responses to public provocations.