😳 Nika Muhl ELBOWED In The Jaw, Refs Review Foul – Women’s College Basketball…(Video)

In the intense environment of women’s college basketball, where the stakes are high and every play matters, unexpected incidents can shift the momentum of a game in an instant. Such was the case during a recent match between two top-ranked teams, where a seemingly ordinary moment on the court escalated into a significant turning point.

Nika Muhl, a standout guard for the University of Florida, was driving towards the basket, displaying her trademark agility and determination. As she navigated through a dense defense, she was met by a formidable opponent, who was positioned to challenge her shot.


In the heat of the moment, the opposing player, in an effort to block the shot, swung her arm with excessive force and caught Muhl directly in the jaw with an elbow. The impact was jarring; Muhl was momentarily stunned, her head snapping back as she staggered on the court. The sound of the collision echoed through the arena, drawing a collective gasp from the spectators. Instantly, the referees blew their whistles, halting the game as they gathered to assess the situation.



Amid the hushed tension, the referees convened at the scorers’ table to review the play through video replay. The footage clearly showed the elbow connecting with Muhl’s jaw, and the officials were faced with the decision of how to address the foul. The review was thorough and methodical, as they evaluated the severity of the contact and considered the potential for injury. After a few tense minutes, the referees made their ruling: the opposing player was assessed a personal foul, and due to the dangerous nature of the contact, she was also issued a technical foul.


Nika Muhl, visibly shaken but determined, was eventually assisted to the bench by her teammates and medical staff. The incident served as a stark reminder of the physical demands of college basketball, where the line between aggressive play and dangerous conduct is often tested. As play resumed, the momentum of the game had shifted, and the intensity on the court was palpable as both teams battled fiercely for control.