Another Pastor Exposed TD Jakes For These Shocking Allegations – VIDEO-Nyy

In a series of stunning revelations, Pastor Craig Lewis has made bold accusations against renowned Bishop TD Jakes, suggesting a deeply controversial agenda spanning over decades. Pastor Lewis claims to have received divine insight into these matters as far back as 20, 25, or even 30 years ago. According to him, God revealed a vision detailing a significant shift within the Protestant African-American churches, allegedly orchestrated by TD Jakes.

Pastor Lewis refers to Jakes as the “Protestant Pope” and accuses him of pushing the Pope’s agenda within the Protestant community. Specifically, he alleges that Jakes is perverting traditional gender roles by elevating women as church leaders and reducing men to emotional followers. This, he claims, aligns with the agenda of the “Queen of Heaven.”

A particular point of contention is Jakes’ praise for Pope John Paul II. Jakes is quoted as saying, “His Holiness, His Holiness. Really, John Paul II was truly a dedicated and courageous messenger of God. His legacy will be a model that all of us should follow. His Holiness was not only a leader of the church but also a leader of the world. His life was an example. Everyone can learn from his mission to spread the Good news of Faith throughout the world, and his dedication to Human Rights was an inspiration.”

Pastor Lewis interprets this admiration as a concerning endorsement of the papal influence within Protestantism. He further supports his claims by pointing to a recent event where TD Jakes anointed his daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, as co-pastor, even placing her in a position of authority over her husband. This move, according to Lewis, exemplifies the very agenda he warned about years ago.

The prophetic insights from Pastor Lewis were initially shared in his series “The Truth Behind Hip Hop.” He urges viewers to watch this series to understand the broader context of his allegations. With this controversial clip of Jakes anointing Sarah gaining traction, many are questioning the traditional roles within church leadership and the potential implications of Jakes’ actions.

The community is divided, with some agreeing with Pastor Lewis’ perspective and others defending TD Jakes’ progressive approach. The debate continues, and Pastor Lewis encourages people to share their thoughts on whether they believe there is truth to his claims and if TD Jakes indeed has an agenda in promoting women leaders within the church.