Pastor Gino Jennings Exposed T.D Jakes Hypocrite During Live TV Broadcast – VIDEO- Nyy

In a fiery live TV broadcast, Pastor Gino Jennings of the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ made bold accusations against prominent American preachers, notably calling out Bishop T.D. Jakes. Jennings accused Jakes and others, including Creflo Dollar (referred to as “Kler O Penny”) and Joel Osteen (“Joel Ain”), of hypocrisy and misleading congregations for personal financial gain.

Pastor Jennings shared emails from African television stations pleading for his ministry to join their networks. According to Jennings, these stations appreciate that he is a preacher from America who does not preach for money, in stark contrast to their local preachers who are influenced by what Jennings calls “American Devils.” He alleges that many African preachers aspire to emulate the wealth and lifestyles of American televangelists like Jakes, leading to practices such as fake healing meetings and other deceitful acts.

Jennings recounted a particularly disturbing story of a false prophet in Africa who convinced people to eat grass, claiming it was a divine command. He expressed frustration that such acts are often ignored on social media, while his straightforward condemnation of sin and evil draws criticism.

Jennings emphasized the urgency of his message, comparing himself to John the Baptist and calling on all people, regardless of race or religion, to repent and prepare for judgment. He criticized preachers who avoid addressing sin and focus instead on wealth and superficial piety, arguing that they will ultimately face divine judgment.

In his broadcast, Jennings made a case for using modern technology, such as television and the internet, for spreading his vision of truth. He argued that these tools, while often condemned by some as sinful, can be used righteously to share the gospel and counter false teachings.

He concluded with a call for all viewers, whether they support or oppose him, to recognize the transient nature of worldly wealth and status, and to focus on aligning their lives with God’s will, warning of a coming divine reckoning.