5 players, 3 fans ejected after huge melee in Arkansas State-Southern Miss- College Basketball…(Video)

The college basketball game between Arkansas State and Southern Miss was marked by an explosive and unforgettable moment that saw five players and three fans ejected after a massive melee erupted on the court. The game, held in the high-pressure atmosphere of a crucial conference matchup, had been a back-and-forth battle with both teams fighting for every point and every advantage. The intensity of the game reached its peak during the final minutes, when a seemingly routine play turned into a chaotic brawl that would alter the course of the evening’s events.

With just under two minutes left on the clock and the score tied, Arkansas State’s point guard attempted a fast break down the court. As he moved in for a layup, he was aggressively challenged by a Southern Miss defender. The collision was fierce but within the bounds of competitive play—until the situation quickly spiraled out of control. A hard foul from the Southern Miss player led to a heated exchange of words, which quickly escalated into pushing and shoving between the two teams.



As players from both sides converged in the middle of the court, the confrontation grew more violent, with punches being thrown and bodies clashing in a tangled mess of jerseys and flailing arms. The benches emptied as coaches and substitutes rushed to separate the players, but the chaos had already reached the stands. Three fans, caught up in the fracas, were seen exchanging angry gestures with players and were subsequently escorted out of the arena by security.


The referees, faced with the overwhelming situation, called for a timeout and gathered to review the incident through video replay. After scrutinizing the footage, they handed down a series of ejections. Five players—three from Arkansas State and two from Southern Miss—were removed from the game for their involvement in the melee. The ejections were met with a mixture of shock and dismay from the crowd, who witnessed the dramatic unraveling of what had been an intense but controlled game.


Despite the disruptions, the game continued, though the atmosphere was charged with the fallout from the fight. The incident highlighted the volatile nature of competitive sports, where moments of aggression can quickly escalate into larger conflicts. The aftermath of the brawl left both teams to finish the game under a tense and subdued environment, and the ejected players faced potential disciplinary actions from their respective programs. The incident sparked a broader conversation about sportsmanship and the conduct expected from players and fans alike, emphasizing the fine line between passionate competition and outright violence.