T.D. Jakes: How Hard Times Can Make You Stronger | Men of Faith on TBN – VIDEO-Nyy

On the latest episode of “Men of Faith” on TBN, Bishop T.D. Jakes delivered a powerful and stirring message about the transformative power of adversity and how God uses hard times to strengthen and prepare us for greater purposes.

Jakes began by asserting that God’s presence in our lives is not to secure our convenience. He emphasized that often, God’s will is disruptive, and sometimes, this disruption feels destructive. These moments, while painful, are not meant to harm us but to prepare us for something much bigger, greater, and stronger than we can imagine.

Highlighting the misconception that a life devoted to God is free of trouble, Jakes explained that tribulation is an integral part of our spiritual training. He shared personal anecdotes from his life, including the heart-wrenching loss of his mother-in-law and mother, and his daughter’s unexpected pregnancy. These events, he said, crushed his spirit but were not punishments or judgments from God. Instead, they were moments designed to develop his character and faith.

During these times of profound suffering, Jakes found himself questioning God’s presence and purpose. He admitted to feeling abandoned and lost, yet these moments pushed him to seek God more earnestly. It was through this searching and suffering that Jakes discovered the true essence of faith.

Jakes drew an analogy between life’s struggles and the biblical parable of the wheat and the tares. He emphasized that good and bad moments often coexist, much like seeds and weeds growing together. Despite the overwhelming presence of weeds, they cannot kill the seeds. This coexistence is essential for our growth, teaching us to find joy even amidst suffering.

Reflecting on his journey, Jakes discussed the immense stress that accompanies success. He revealed that behind every major achievement, there were moments of intense pressure and adversity. These challenges, he explained, are akin to the labor pains before the birth of a child – necessary and ultimately rewarding. He stressed that stress and success are intertwined, and enduring the stress is essential to reaching the success on the other side.

In a profound closing, Jakes likened God to a master vintner who knows precisely how to apply pressure to transform us, much like turning water into wine. This process, though painful, is orchestrated with precision and purpose. Jakes urged his audience to trust in God’s mastery, believing that the crushing they experience is producing a new and greater version of themselves.

Bishop T.D. Jakes’ message on “Men of Faith” is a powerful reminder that hardship and suffering are not signs of God’s absence or displeasure but are critical components of our spiritual journey. They shape us, strengthen us, and prepare us for the incredible plans God has for our lives. His testimony and teachings encourage believers to embrace their trials, trust in God’s purpose, and find strength in their faith.