How did TD Jakes & Tyler Sacrifice Young Boys? Mo’Nique EXPOSE Them… – VIDEO-Nyy

Actress and comedian Mo’Nique has recently come forward with startling allegations against influential figures TD Jakes and Tyler Perry. According to Mo’Nique, these prominent personalities have been involved in the exploitation of young boys, raising serious questions about their actions and integrity.

The Allegations

In a recent interview, Mo’Nique did not hold back as she discussed the alleged dark side of Jakes and Perry. She accused them of exploiting young black men and implied that Perry made significant donations to Jakes’ church to maintain silence and control over the congregation. Mo’Nique questioned the authenticity of these charitable acts, suggesting they were more about manipulation than genuine generosity.

Broader Context

This isn’t the first time Mo’Nique has clashed with Hollywood heavyweights. She has a history of standing up against industry power players, including a high-profile dispute with Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey. The conflict began when Mo’Nique refused to promote the film “Precious” without additional compensation, leading to her being blackballed in the industry. Despite the backlash, she remained firm in her stance, emphasizing fairness and integrity over compliance with Hollywood’s demands.

Historical Patterns

Mo’Nique’s accusations also highlight a broader issue within the industry, particularly the struggles faced by black women who speak out. She draws parallels with other iconic black women who have been marginalized for their outspokenness, pointing to a historical pattern of silence and punishment.

Potential Impact

The implications of Mo’Nique’s revelations are significant. If proven true, they could lead to a major reckoning within both the entertainment and religious communities. Her courage in speaking out could encourage others who have been silenced to come forward, potentially triggering a movement towards greater transparency and accountability.

Industry Response

The entertainment and religious sectors are now under intense scrutiny as these allegations come to light. The power dynamics that allow influential figures to control narratives and careers are being challenged, and Mo’Nique’s revelations could be the catalyst for change.


As the story develops, it is crucial to approach these allegations with a serious and investigative mindset. Mo’Nique’s claims deserve thorough examination and could mark the beginning of a significant shift in how the industry handles accusations of misconduct. Stay tuned for further updates on this unfolding story.