) Is Zach Edey the most polarizing player in the NBA Draft? – GOAT

Over Zack Edy are, are we, are we sleeping on how polarizing Zach Edy is?

Maybe it’s just me.

It feels like this guy is turning into one of, I don’t want to say the most.

He’s definitely the most polarizing player in the draft, definitely, but I I feel like, as this thing goes on and on, there are always going to be people that feel very strongly about production at the college level and there are always going to be people that feel very strongly that production at the college level doesn’t mean diddly when it comes to the Nba,


I, uh, yeah, I mean

I, I definitely think that he’s for sure polarizing, I think, maybe where?

Yeah, I think where my surprise comes from is I am a bit surprised by the amount of people that are pro Zack Ed.

I thought it would be a uh, more of like an 8020 thing, where you almost have, like Ed, truthers out there.

But it does seem like I mean we’ve.

I mean Jr calls in all the time he.

He said he was an fan.

I think, um, we’ve seen tons of people in the sack chat be be fans of Zack Ed.

We’ve had tons, tons of text saying: what do you guys think of Zack Ed?

Uh, yeah, I. I am just a little bit surprised by the amount of people that, um just say he’s big.

He’ll figure it out.

What, what, what else are we talking about here?

I just I, I just have a tough time seeing a guy like that be able to move down the floor.

Uh, for whatever 25, 30 minutes a game.

I know he, he was able to do it in college, but I just think, think the the amount of pressure that’s going to be put on him in the Nba is going to be something they just can’t handle honestly.

Like, if I’m an offensive player, I’m put like the second that


Ed is guarding Deonis Sabonis.

I’m putting Dearn fox in a pick and roll with Deonis Sabonis literally every play and getting sabot, getting Fox switched on to or Edie switched on to Fox and clearing out.

That’s gonna be every single time.

You know the the famous clip of Steph Curry making Rudy Goar do the hokey pokei and play twist.

That’s what it’s going to look like with Zack all the time, because he’s just a little bit slow footed.

And um, you know, it’s, it’s.

It’s what happens to all bigs.

But when you’re gonna be that big, you just I don’t think you can really survive in the Nba for more than 10 to 15 minutes like I.

I just I see him as Bowon.

I think he’s gonna be good when he plays.

He’s Gna, be productive, but at the end of the day you just real exactly.

You can’t realistically find rotational minutes for him.

Yeah, I’m torn as well.

I mean, of course, I saw that video of him in those threes.

Yeah, I don’t believe that at all.

I just don’t like I, by the way, would he take two in college?

Yeah, I think he took two and like, I think he missed both.

Javil Mcgee every summer posts videos of him hitting threes.

There I talked about the other day.


Uh, Blake Lively, Derrik Lively, uh, hey, Blake Lively wants to, with all due respect.

Um, Derek Lively, taking a ton of Threes he took.

No, he’s the one who took two threes this season.

Like, just don’t.

I’m not going to like.

Yeah, maybe possibly in eight, five to eight years if he’s still in the league.

Yeah, maybe it develops into something, but I don’t think he’s Brook Lopez like.

I don’t think he’s gonna be a post player and then have a career Renaissance where he then steps behind the line.

You know, people have said his jump shot looks like that of Joic.

I just don’t think that he’s joic like.

I think that’s.

The other argument that I’ve seen is: how can you say somebody that big can’t play when you have joic playing at the pace that he does and doing the things he does?

Joic is a generational, once in a-lifetime player who you know?

Zack Edy, I don’t think he’s ever averaged.

I’d be shocked if he averaged three assists a game ever in his life.

No, that yic stuff that’s got to stop.

I don’t get it.

I just don’t get stop, I I get the Valen chunis thing.

That, to me, is like the most that I’m willing to concede on Zach Edy.

Is that, yeah, in a perfect world, in a best case scenario, I think there’s a chance he could be like a Yonas valent chunis.

But valent chunis is hitting free agency this summer, I don’t know.

I mean we talked about it earlier.

Is he a mid-level guy?

Is he a starter on this king’s team?

Is he a starter for most teams?

Or is that a guy that you bring Off the Bench and he gives you 20 to 25 minutes?

And if they’re good, they’re that’s great, and if they’re not, then you know he’s not really your six man.

Let’s do it this way?

Okay, because you know Brook Lopez comes up and a couple other names have come up.

If Brook Lopez was coming out in the draft now, would he be viewed the same as Zack Edy?

Basically, what I’m saying is these guys that were able to transform their game as the game kind of changed right.

Would they be looked at the same coming into the draft if they were?

Because it was a different time when Brook Lopez got drafted, when even boob, when these guys got drafted, it was a different Nba.

The Nba has changed, so now you’re asking a guy to not transform towards the end of his career.

You’re asking him to transform between the college season ending, yeah, and the Nba and his Nba career started three months.

This isn’t?


Isn’t Brook Lopez, who was already in the league for how many years?

And then and then it turned into this?

You have to come in as the player that Brook Lopez is now it or close something close to it.

That’s signs of it.

At least that that’s the difference for me.

Yeah, I mean

Yeah, he, he, Brook Lopez, was able to be, to your point.

He was able to be a post player for five, six years of his career, establish himself and then kind of reent himself.

You Know, It’s just tough.

I zachie, I know he shot great from the free throw line.

He’s got a pretty decent touch from out there and I know people use free throws as kind of a, a, a forecaster, to see if you can eventually develop a shot.

He’s got some decent touch.

I just, I think it’s it honestly, at the end of the day does just kind of become a thing where it becomes your stance and and you just have to stick in it, like I. it’s something.

It’s kind of like an eye test with Zach Edy, where you know you can show me all the numbers you want.

I just fundamentally can’t see.

I don’t see.

Look at the, if you even want to do this example, like we did the other day.

Look at these four fi, uh, Easter Conference or just conference finalist teams.

Is Zach Ed playing for any of these teams right now?

And granted, we don’t know the kind of pro that we’ll just say: yo, maybe the Celtics, maybe maybe the Celtics?

I don’t think.

Uh, you know, I can’t imagine him playing with the Pacers with the no pun intended, the pace that they play.

That was the first one

I knew was a. no Dallas, not with Ga, not with Gafford and Lively, I mean if, if those they’re, you’re gonna take those two over him.

But, and Minnesota, Minnesota, ABS, you know Naas and all them, but like I don’t, I don’t think that Zack Edy, um, is just necessarily the, the kind of guy that survives in today’s Nba, like I think we’ve seen.

You know, even like a guy like nus Kada is, is pretty mobile, but, um, you know, just kind of doesn’t have the.

I don’t want to say coordination, but there’s just kind of a different level of twitch that you need to have to play in the Nba.

And I just don’t know if Zack Ed’s size is going to be a big enough, uh, X Factor, for it to, to you know, cancel out his his lack of speed.

They’re 1874 Frenchmen waiting.

Did you see that when they the 12-year-old- Yes, I did, he scored like 21 points in 10 minutes or something.

These guys are just, they’re popping up everywhere.

Ch, I did want to real quick.

I do want to point this out too.

Secur and Deunk said this on the, and this is a great Point.

Purdue ran literally everything for him.

Yeah, in college that’s not happening.

He probably had what 10 to 15 post-ups a game at Purdue, he’s getting Max three, three to five.

Maybe if he proves to be incredibly efficient at post-ups, he’s just not gonna have the same impact.

And you know, maybe in a week draft, at in the middle of a week draft, maybe you’re just saying again, like we’ve said, maybe you’re just looking for a guy that you can say he’s an Nba player, because I’m not sure how many of Nba players are even in this draft.

But I, I just kind of would much rather take a swing and Miss on somebody than you know.

Just hope for a safe landing with zachie.

I gotta bust your bubble a bit here.

On the Zach Edy free throw thing, I don’t know what you consider good or not.

I mean he’d be good for the Kings, okay, but in 2023, 2024, he shot 71.1 % from free throw career.

He shot 70% from free throw.

I think that’s good.

Do you think that still the same Trans?

That’s still the same translate rate to a good shooter, though it’s a little low to say I.

It’s enough to convince yourself.

The touch, yeah, because again he’s 74, and so anything.

That’s not just him saying Zack throw ball at Rim, was he grank?


I mean if you’re that big like I, kind of barely expect you to be able to tie your shoe.

So if he can, effectively like he’s got arc on his shot.

It’s not like a straight line drive.

It’s a pretty goodlook shot, and so that’s more what I’m talking about.

When I say the free throw touch seems to be something that could translate the numbers I, I still, I would gladly take.

That’s what Sabonis shoots right now.

So if you’re telling me Zack Ed right now is as good of a free throw shooter as Deonis Sabonis, I don’t think that’s that bad, when he should be your worst free- throw shooter on the team.

Getting the poll up on the sack chat.

Would you want Zack Edy?

Are you in or out on Zack Edy coming up next?

We got the.