Zach Edey Vs Donovan Clingan! Who Is Better? (Breakdown) – goat

So one of the biggest questions in this draft is where Donovan kingan is going to go.

I’ve seen him mocked as low as like 11.

I’ve seen him mocked as high as two, never number one, but I’ve seen him mocked as high as two.

Another question is: where does Zak go?

That’s another massive question.

And I’ve seen Zak Ed mocked as high as I’ve seen him going.

Eight to the Spurs is the highest, which is crazy, mostly between 15 and 25, sometimes in the second round.

But these are the two biggest Center prospects.

Do I think, um, they’re the top two Center prospects?

No, because I think like a K, where is probably going to be taken above Zak.

But the question is, especially after the combine, where the numbers were almost identical for the two of these guys as far as movement wise goes.

The question is: which of these two is going to be better?

And there is a thread on Twitter which is going to be talking about that.

So shout out to Big M 12 on Twitter for this, and we are going to be going through this right now.

So the first thing he has is scoring.

I think it’s Zach Edy scoring easy.

He goes to Ed.

Yeah, Like Ed Aage 25 points game.

Yeah, I know like he obviously had more of like a scoring responsibility.

Then um, Donovan Kingan.

But he still look, he averaged double the points.

I’m not going to go out here and say: a guy who AED half the points of another guy is a better offensive player or a better scorer.

At least rebounding, um, like now, that’s it.

This is a tough one he’s getting.

He’s 75, so he’s just going to get rebounds by just putting his hand up.

Um, like averaging five rebounds extra game, though I think he played more minutes.

So Yeah, I think Ed, as the better rebounder, is fair playmaking and passing like kinging, that’s.

This is a very obvious one.

Like Zak is not a bad passer, um at all.

C is not 7 fo three.

Is he klling in seven for three?

I could have swore Kingan like tested at like a much closer to like 72 with a wingspan like 5 in shorter or something then Zach e as well.

But offensive game, I do think Ed is the advantage.

But yeah, I’m not going to argue playmaking for clinging Rim protection, definitely, clinging like that is without question cling.

There’s a reason why they’re calling Walker castler the next Walker Castler, like 10 minutes less and averages more blocks, like, in fairness to Ed, Ed is’s not a bad rim protector

And he’s huge like you.

Can’t be Yao Ming size like he’s.

He, like yaoming, had a.

I’m pretty sure yaoming may have had a negative Wings span, but as far as like standing reach goes, he’s got a bigger stuning reach than Yao Ming, which is incredible for Zaki.

But still clean is going to be the best rim protector in this Drft, unless Alex Sar completely P out.

C is going to be the best protect draft perimeter defense.

Yeah, without question clinging.

I don’t think either of these are good on Perimeter.

Um, as he says here, neither of them are good playing out on the perimeter.

But like Ed is so bad in the perimeter that people think he might make it in the Nba, whereas clinging is a lot more passible.

Um, But yeah, that’s not the greatest shooting potential.

Ooh, like Ed, jump shot is pure.

Not Ed jump shot.

Sorry, C King’s jump shot is pure Ed’s jump shot.

It looks awkward but it goes in at a similar rate.

Um, obviously, as it says, Ed’s a much better free throw or three-point shooter.

But kinging, that jumper just looked.

It look so smooth in the combine it just looked like it was a jump shot.

That was going to translate, but Ed still hits some more.

Ed’s jump shot looks like it’s a big man shooting a jump shot.

I’m going to go like I would, probably for shooting potential, I would go cling.

I just don’t know what.

I I think Kingan is going to be able to shoot the ball, not at a really high rate, but I think Kingan’s going to be able to shoot the ball like the ball doesn’t go in but shot looks pretty.

So yeah, that’s that’s it like durability.

Um, Edy, obviously, like Zach, Ed played like there’s.

You don’t win player year if you’re injured.

Um, like Clingan, Kingan played a lot.

But as you can see, there, like Kingan only plays 22 minutes a game.

Like Kingan, it was so impressive what he did in only playing half the games.

But like Zach, E was Purdue, like Purdue went where Zach went.

Hey, Zak, he put nearly 40 on L’s head and we have got floor and ceiling.

Um, ceiling, Yao Ming, it’s like.

I think I honestly think Kingan, if he played in the Nba in the 2000, not play Ed, would have been a Ying type player.

The problem is that I don’t know how important ya Ming is in today’s Nba.

Sealing Rudy Goar for clinging his.

No, his floor is not Walker castler.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

Walker Castler goes number one in this draft.

Walker Castler is really good bit of a sophomore slump.

This floor is not Walker castler.

His floor is Jeff witty, and I’m not joking with that.

Do you guys remember Jeff wity?

Any of you guys like that man just played Vol, basically played volleyball out there.

That’s what his floor is.

There is no guarantee.

Like his ceiling might be Walker Kastler, and that’s not a knock on clean.

Walker kler is a hell of a player, but there is no way.

There is no way that he’s Rudy Goar, like Rudy Goar is just a different animal.

So that’s a tough one.

And it says here: V in the right situations.

Did Ed win that one, 54?

So they gave it to even both of amazing potential in the right situations.

Yeah, I genu think with Edy, like I’ll say in the video.

It, the video’ll be out tomorrow morning.

When it comes to Zack, Ed, like Zach, Ed is either a a guy who plays in the league for a long time, is a really effective backup big, or he’s a three or four time Mvp in the in the Turkish League.

So that’s pretty much it, like I’ve seen what Walter Tarez or Eddie Tarez, same same person, um has been able to do for Real Madrid.

I think Ed is just going to dominate overseas, but I think there is a situation he does pretty well, I think.

Kinging again, as I’ve said, I think that floor is Jeff with he, um, and he might struggle a bit.

Offensive versatility, um, e, like, I guess,

Yeah, I going to say: Ne, neither of these guys, neither these guys are the great, most versatile players.

But Ed just better on offense, like Ed’s, just better in the post, he’s just better on the offensive end.

So 64 ed0 is cool.

Defense of verly, obviously Kingan.

Kingan is just a better Defender period in every aspect.

Um, then, other than defensive rebounding than Zach, without question.

Agility, oh like.

That’s a tough one.

I know he timed better, but like, the numbers were so close, numbers were so close and like, I also think, by the way, this: this Alex, Alex sire is the most Overh High Prospect ever.

Um, like Ed’s not the quickest, and I know we do well in the drills.

We’ve watched him, we’ve watched z g, we’ve watched enough of them to know that, like, he’s probably not going to be screen setting.

Um, yeah, Ed is just huge.

Ed is a large, large man.

So yeah, he’ll set screens, better efficiency.

Man, Ed’s running away with this, isn’t he?

And this is the one thing I’ve always said where I was like, the one thing clinging had over Ed was just how well he moved.

And I was always like in the combine.

Why Ed was so successful was that we saw.

Okay, he almost moves as well as c.

Yeah, like Ed, obviously C has a higher field goal percentage.

Cayan or C has a higher field goal percentage.

Sorry, but like Ed is the main offensive option.

It’s very easy to have a high field goal percentage on Ukan.

Like what 1% difference, 1% difference in field goals, while Ed was basically the sole focus of the defense Ob. obviously, zakii, Iq.

I like Ed’s IQ.

In fairness to him, I do like his IQ.

Obviously, when you take both ends into consideration, if you want to give that to, um, I think cool.

But I like.

I like Ed, like you, the eye test.

He’s going with Zach Edy for the eye test here.

You can legitimately go either way.

I think like, look, Ed just been better.

Ed genuinely just been better in college.

He was better in college than Cl.

As good as clinging is.

Ed was just better in college.

So fair enough, honestly fair enough, to go it test one V one, like: wait, no, he go clinging for the eye test 96 ed0 107.

Okay, So he went even for the eye test.

Fair enough, that makes sense.

Uh, when they played each other was clear: Ed outplayed.

Yeah, Ed destroyed Donovan Kingan and people were like: oh, Donan cling is going to be this Elite Defender.

Yeah, He’s going be elite rim protector, but like in a 1 V one setting, Ed destroyed him.

Help defense, obviously clean.

Obviously, Donovan Klean, one of the better help Defenders.

Um, there is like this: e go clinging.

Um, but if, oh sorry, who had more help?

Obviously kinging, if you believe you.

Um, I believe, if you switch Ed and kinging, they win.

Of course they win if you switch Ed and kinging, but College doesn’t rrate when he win their conference.

Nonetheless, um, Cay definitely had way more help.

Nba ready.

Um right now, offensively, Edy.

Defensively, Kingan, and I don’t actually know if Kingan’s offense what’s going to be better.

Um, Ed’s defense or Kingan’s offense, bigger impact player, he’s going for Edy here.

Well, King make an impact from day one.

If Edie or kingan will make an impact in day one.

Edie, if, given the opportunity, I think Ed is just huge, I I genuinely do think he’s more mobile than people think, and we are going into the tall ball era of the Nba.

Um, when it comes to Minnesota, Tim wolves, and for the winner, he has gone Edy.

So you know what I actually don’t hate that like.

I’ve talked to good bit about like.

Obviously, in mock drafts I’m like.

How much better is clinging than Ed actually like?

Is kinging even better than Ed like?

The only reason why Kingan was going over Ed?

Obviously these um, the Yukon Huskies had a bunch of success.

But a major reason why is because people thought: oh, Kingan’s or Kingan’s going to be much quicker.

He’s going to be much more mobile.

Ed’s too slow, whereas they were almost measuring the same speed.

Wise, and Ed’s just the better player right now.

So it’s going to be really interesting what to see Kingan’s clearly going to be taken for above him.

We’re not going to see Ed.

If we see Ed in the lottery, it’s going to be very late Lottery, whereas we are not seeing cling and drop out of the top 10.

But at the end of the day, um, which of these guys is better?

It’s actually a lot closer than their draft positions would suggest.